Source code for rsmtool.utils.notebook

Utility functions for use in RSMTool sections/notebooks.

:author: Jeremy Biggs (
:author: Anastassia Loukina (
:author: Nitin Madnani (

:organization: ETS

import re
from math import ceil
from os.path import exists, isabs, relpath
from pathlib import Path
from string import Template
from textwrap import wrap

from IPython.display import HTML, display


    <td style="text-align:left;">
        <a href="{}" style="text-decoration: none;" download>{}</a>
    <td style="text-align:left;">{}</td>

def float_format_func(num, prec=3, scientific=False):
    Format given float to the specified precision as a string.

    num : float
        The floating point number to format.
    prec: int, optional
        The number of decimal places to use when displaying the number.
        Defaults to 3.
    scientific: bool, optional
        Whether to display the number in scientific notiation if
        the rounded version is "0.000".
        Defaults to ``False``.

    ans : str
        The formatted string representing the given number.
    rounded_formatter_string = Template("{:.${prec}f}").substitute(prec=prec)
    scientific_formatter_string = Template("{:.${prec}e}").substitute(prec=prec)
    ans = rounded_formatter_string.format(num)
    if ans == "0.000" and scientific:
        ans = scientific_formatter_string.format(num)
    return ans

def int_or_float_format_func(num, prec=3):
    Identify whether the number is float or integer.

    When displaying integers, use no decimal. For a float, round to the
    specified number of decimal places and convert to a string.

    num : float or int
        The number to format and display.
    prec : int, optional
        The number of decimal places to display if x is a float.
        Defaults to 3.

    ans : str
        The formatted string representing the given number.
    if float.is_integer(num):
        ans = f"{int(num)}"
        ans = float_format_func(num, prec=prec)
    return ans

def custom_highlighter(num, low=0, high=1, prec=3, absolute=False, span_class="bold"):
    Convert float to an HTML <span> element with given class.

    The conversion only happens if the given float is below ``low``
    or above ``high``. If it does not meet those constraints, then
    a plain string is returned with specified number of decimal places.

    num : float
        The floating point number to format.
    low : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is below this value.
        Defaults to 0.
    high : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is above this value.
        Defaults to 1.
    prec : int
        The number of decimal places to display for x. Defaults to 3.
    absolute : bool
        If ``True``, use the absolute value of x for comparison.
        Defaults to ``False``.
    span_class : str
        One of "bold" or "color". These are the two classes
        available for the HTML span tag.

    ans : str
        The plain or HTML string representing the given number.
    abs_num = abs(num) if absolute else num
    val = float_format_func(num, prec=prec)
    ans = (
        f'<span class="highlight_{span_class}">{val}</span>'
        if abs_num < low or abs_num > high
        else val
    return ans

def bold_highlighter(num, low=0, high=1, prec=3, absolute=False):
    Instantiate a ``custom_highlighter()`` with "bold" as default class.

    num : float
        The floating point number to format.
    low : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is below this value.
        Defaults to 0.
    high : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is above this value.
        Defaults to 1.
    prec : int
        The number of decimal places to display for x.
        Defaults to 3.
    absolute : bool
        If ``True``, use the absolute value of x for comparison.
        Defaults to ``False``.

    ans : str
        The formatted highlighter with bold class as default.
    ans = custom_highlighter(num, low, high, prec, absolute, "bold")
    return ans

def color_highlighter(num, low=0, high=1, prec=3, absolute=False):
    Instantiate a ``custom_highlighter()`` with "color" as the default class.

    num : float
        The floating point number to format.
    low : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is below this value.
        Defaults to 0.
    high : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is above this value.
        Defaults to 1.
    prec : int
        The number of decimal places to display for x.
        Defaults to 3.
    absolute : bool
        If ``True``, use the absolute value of x for comparison.
        Defaults to ``False``.

    ans : str
        The formatted highlighter with color class as default.
    ans = custom_highlighter(num, low, high, prec, absolute, "color")
    return ans

def compute_subgroup_plot_params(group_names, num_plots):
    Compute subgroup plot and figure parameters.

    The parameters are computed based on the number of subgroups and the
    number of plots to be generated.

    group_names : list of str
        A list of subgroup names for plots.
    num_plots : int
        The number of plots to compute.

    figure_width : int
        The width of the figure.
    figure_height : int
        The height of the figure.
    num_rows : int
        The number of rows for the plots.
    num_columns : int
        The number of columns for the plots.
    wrapped_group_names : list of str
        A list of group names for plots.
    wrapped_group_names = ["\n".join(wrap(str(gn), 20)) for gn in group_names]
    plot_height = 4 if wrapped_group_names == group_names else 6
    num_groups = len(group_names)
    if num_groups <= 6:
        num_columns = 2
        num_rows = ceil(num_plots / num_columns)
        figure_width = num_columns * num_groups
        figure_height = plot_height * num_rows
        num_columns = 1
        num_rows = num_plots
        figure_width = 10
        figure_height = plot_height * num_plots

    return (figure_width, figure_height, num_rows, num_columns, wrapped_group_names)

[docs]def get_thumbnail_as_html(path_to_image, image_id, path_to_thumbnail=None): """ Generate HTML for a clickable thumbnail of given image. Given the path to an image file, generate the HTML for a clickable thumbnail version of the image. When clicked, this HTML will open the full-sized version of the image in a new window. Parameters ---------- path_to_image : str The absolute or relative path to the image. If an absolute path is provided, it will be converted to a relative path. image_id : int The id of the <img> tag in the HTML. This must be unique for each <img> tag. path_to_thumbnail : str, optional If you would like to use a different thumbnail image, specify the path to this thumbnail. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- image : str The HTML string generated for the image. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the image file cannot be located. """ error_message = "The file `{}` could not be located." if not exists(path_to_image): raise FileNotFoundError(error_message.format(path_to_image)) # check if the path is relative or absolute if isabs(path_to_image): rel_image_path = relpath(path_to_image) else: rel_image_path = path_to_image # if `path_to_thumbnail` is None, use `path_to_image`; # otherwise, get the relative path to the thumbnail if path_to_thumbnail is None: rel_thumbnail_path = rel_image_path else: if not exists(path_to_thumbnail): raise FileNotFoundError(error_message.format(path_to_thumbnail)) rel_thumbnail_path = relpath(path_to_thumbnail) # specify the thumbnail style style = """ <style> img { border: 1px solid #ddd; border-radius: 4px; padding: 5px; width: 150px; cursor: pointer; } </style> """ # on click, open larger image in new window script = """ <script> function getPicture(picpath) {, 'Image', resizable=1); }; </script>""" # generate image tags image = ( f"""<img id='{image_id}' src='{rel_image_path}' """ f"""onclick='getPicture("{rel_thumbnail_path}")' """ f"""title="Click to enlarge"></img>""" ) # create the image HTML image += style image += script return image
[docs]def show_thumbnail(path_to_image, image_id, path_to_thumbnail=None): """ Display the HTML for an image thumbnail in a Jupyter notebook. Given the path to an image file, generate the HTML for its thumbnail and display it in the notebook. Parameters ---------- path_to_image : str The absolute or relative path to the image. If an absolute path is provided, it will be converted to a relative path. image_id : int The id of the <img> tag in the HTML. This must be unique for each <img> tag. path_to_thumbnail : str, optional If you would like to use a different thumbnail image, specify the path to the thumbnail. Defaults to ``None``. Displays -------- display : IPython.core.display.HTML The HTML for the thumbnail image. """ display(HTML(get_thumbnail_as_html(path_to_image, image_id, path_to_thumbnail)))
def get_files_as_html(output_dir, experiment_id, file_format, replace_dict={}): """ Generate an HTML list for each output file in given directory. Optionally pass a replacement dictionary to use more descriptive titles for the file names. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str The output directory. experiment_id : str The experiment ID. file_format : str The format of the output files. replace_dict : dict, optional A dictionary which makes file names to descriptions. Defaults to ``{}``. Returns ------- html_string : str HTML string with file descriptions and links. """ output_dir = Path(output_dir) parent_dir = output_dir.parent # get the list of intermediate files generated for this experiment files = list(output_dir.glob(f"*.{file_format}")) # get the bare filenames for each file since we will need those for sorting filenames = [file.stem.replace(f"{experiment_id}_", "") for file in files] # initialize list to hold the generated HTML strings html_strings = [ """ <tr> <th style="text-align:left;">Filename</th> <th style="text-align:left;">Description</th> </tr> """ ] # iterate over the files and generate the HTML strings for filename, file in sorted(zip(filenames, files)): # get the path of the file relative to the parent of the "output" # directory; these will be the targets of our links relative_file = ".." / file.relative_to(parent_dir) # get the relative names of the file without the experiment id prefix # these are needed in case we do not have a pre-defined replacement relative_name = relative_file.stem.replace(f"{experiment_id}_", "") # if the name of the file contains "_by_<subgroup>", replace # the subgroup with "ZZZ" to get the replacement key; otherwise, # use the filename as the key; if neither form of the key is # found in the dictionary, use the filename itself as the description try: if m :="_by_([^\._]+)", filename): subgroup = replacement_key = filename.replace(f"_by_{subgroup}", "_by_ZZZ") # replace the "ZZZ" with the actual subgroup in the description descriptive_name = replace_dict[replacement_key].replace("ZZZ", subgroup) else: replacement_key = filename descriptive_name = replace_dict[filename] except KeyError: descriptive_name_components = relative_name.split("_") descriptive_name = " ".join(descriptive_name_components).title() # generate a table row string for this file html_strings.append( INTERMEDIATE_TABLE_ROW_STRING.format(relative_file, filename, descriptive_name) ) # combine the HTML table row strings into a single HTML table table_rows = "\n".join(html_strings) return f"<table>{table_rows}</table>" def show_files(context, output_dir, experiment_id, file_format): """ Show files for given context and directory as a table in a Jupyter notebook. Parameters ---------- context: str The tool context: one of {"rsmtool", "rsmeval", "rsmsummarize"}. output_dir : str The output directory. experiment_id : str The experiment ID. file_format : str The format of the output files. Displays -------- display : IPython.core.display.HTML The HTML file descriptions and links. """ html_string = get_files_as_html( output_dir, experiment_id, file_format, replace_dict=INTERMEDIATE_FILES_TO_DESCRIPTIONS[context], ) display(HTML(html_string))