Source code for rsmtool.reporter

Classes for dealing with report generation.

:author: Jeremy Biggs (
:author: Anastassia Loukina (
:author: Nitin Madnani (

:organization: ETS

import argparse
import asyncio
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import warnings
from os.path import abspath, basename, dirname, join, normpath, splitext

import nbformat
from nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter, NotebookExporter
from nbconvert.exporters.templateexporter import default_filters
from nbformat.warnings import DuplicateCellId, MissingIDFieldWarning
from traitlets.config import Config

from . import HAS_RSMEXTRA
from .reader import DataReader
from .utils.wandb import log_report_to_wandb

    from rsmextra.settings import special_section_list_rsmtool  # noqa
    from rsmextra.settings import (

    ordered_section_list_rsmtool = ordered_section_list_with_special_sections_rsmtool
    ordered_section_list_rsmeval = ordered_section_list_with_special_sections_rsmeval
    ordered_section_list_rsmcompare = ordered_section_list_with_special_sections_rsmcompare
    ordered_section_list_rsmsummarize = ordered_section_list_with_special_sections_rsmsummarize

    ordered_section_list_rsmtool = [

    ordered_section_list_rsmeval = [

    ordered_section_list_rsmcompare = [

    ordered_section_list_rsmsummarize = [

    ordered_section_list_rsmexplain = ["data_description", "shap_values", "shap_plots", "sysinfo"]

    special_section_list_rsmtool = []
    special_section_list_rsmcompare = []
    special_section_list_rsmeval = []
    special_section_list_rsmsummarize = []
    special_section_list_rsmexplain = []
    special_notebook_path = ""

package_path = dirname(__file__)
notebook_path = abspath(join(package_path, "notebooks"))
template_path = join(notebook_path, "templates")

javascript_path = join(notebook_path, "javascript")
comparison_notebook_path = join(notebook_path, "comparison")
summary_notebook_path = join(notebook_path, "summary")
explanations_notebook_path = join(notebook_path, "explanations")

# Define the general section list

general_section_list_rsmtool = [
    for section in ordered_section_list_rsmtool
    if section not in special_section_list_rsmtool

general_section_list_rsmeval = [
    for section in ordered_section_list_rsmeval
    if section not in special_section_list_rsmeval

general_section_list_rsmcompare = [
    for section in ordered_section_list_rsmcompare
    if section not in special_section_list_rsmcompare

general_section_list_rsmsummarize = [
    for section in ordered_section_list_rsmsummarize
    if section not in special_section_list_rsmsummarize

general_section_list_rsmexplain = [
    for section in ordered_section_list_rsmexplain
    if section not in special_section_list_rsmexplain

# define a mapping from the tool name to the master
# list for both general and special sections
master_section_dict = {
    "general": {
        "rsmtool": general_section_list_rsmtool,
        "rsmeval": general_section_list_rsmeval,
        "rsmcompare": general_section_list_rsmcompare,
        "rsmsummarize": general_section_list_rsmsummarize,
        "rsmexplain": general_section_list_rsmexplain,
    "special": {
        "rsmtool": special_section_list_rsmtool,
        "rsmeval": special_section_list_rsmeval,
        "rsmcompare": special_section_list_rsmcompare,
        "rsmsummarize": special_section_list_rsmsummarize,
        "rsmexplain": special_section_list_rsmexplain,

# define the mapping for section paths
notebook_path_dict = {
    "general": {
        "rsmtool": notebook_path,
        "rsmeval": notebook_path,
        "rsmcompare": comparison_notebook_path,
        "rsmsummarize": summary_notebook_path,
        "rsmexplain": explanations_notebook_path,
    "special": {
        "rsmtool": special_notebook_path,
        "rsmeval": special_notebook_path,
        "rsmcompare": special_notebook_path,
        "rsmsummarize": special_notebook_path,

[docs]class Reporter: """Class to generate Jupyter notebook reports and convert them to HTML.""" def __init__(self, logger=None, wandb_run=None): """Initialize the Reporter object.""" self.logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger(__name__) self.wandb_run = wandb_run
[docs] @staticmethod def locate_custom_sections(custom_report_section_paths, configdir): """ Locate custom report section files. Get the absolute paths for custom report sections and check that the files exist. If a file does not exist, raise an exception. Parameters ---------- custom_report_section_paths : list of str List of paths to IPython notebook files representing the custom sections. configdir : str Path to the experiment configuration directory. Returns ------- custom_report_sections : list of str List of absolute paths to the custom section notebooks. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If any of the files cannot be found. """ custom_report_sections = [] for cs_path in custom_report_section_paths: cs_location = DataReader.locate_files(cs_path, configdir) if not cs_location: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Error: custom section not found at {cs_path}.") else: custom_report_sections.append(cs_location) return custom_report_sections
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_notebooks(notebook_files, output_file): """ Merge the given Jupyter notebooks into a single Jupyter notebook. Parameters ---------- notebook_files : list of str List of paths to the input Jupyter notebook files. output_file : str Path to output Jupyter notebook file """ # create a new blank notebook merged_notebook = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() # append the cells from all of the notebooks to this notebook for nbfile in notebook_files: with open(nbfile, "r") as nbfh: nb =, as_version=4) for cell in nb.cells: merged_notebook.cells.append(cell) # normalize the merged notebook to fix any issues with metadata # especially missing or duplicate IDs in code cells which seems to # happen a lot for our sections with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=MissingIDFieldWarning) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DuplicateCellId) _, merged_notebook = nbformat.validator.normalize(merged_notebook.dict()) # write out the merged notebook to disk exporter = NotebookExporter() output, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(merged_notebook) with open(output_file, "w") as outfh: outfh.write(output)
[docs] @staticmethod def check_section_names(specified_sections, section_type, context="rsmtool"): """ Validate the specified section names. This function checks whether the specified section names are valid and raises an exception if they are not. Parameters ---------- specified_sections : list of str List of report section names. section_type : str One of "general" or "special". context : str, optional Context in which we are validating the section names. One of {"rsmtool", "rsmeval", "rsmcompare"}. Defaults to "rsmtool". Raises ------ ValueError If any of the section names of the given type are not valid in the context of the given tool. """ master_section_list = master_section_dict[section_type][context] invalid_section_names = set(specified_sections).difference(master_section_list) if invalid_section_names: raise ValueError( f"The following {section_type} report section names are " f"invalid or not supported for {context}: " f"{invalid_section_names}\nThe following sections are " f"currently available: {master_section_list}" )
[docs] @staticmethod def check_section_order(chosen_sections, section_order): """ Check the order of the specified sections. Parameters ---------- chosen_sections : list of str List of chosen section names. section_order : list of str An ordered list of the chosen section names. Raises ------ ValueError If any sections specified in the order are missing from the list of chosen sections or vice versa. """ if sorted(chosen_sections) != sorted(section_order): # check for discrepancies and create a helpful error message missing_sections = set(chosen_sections).difference(set(section_order)) if missing_sections: error_message_missing = ( f"'section_order' must list all sections " f"selected for your experiment: Please edit " f"section order to include the following missing " f"sections: {', '.join(missing_sections)}" ) extra_sections = set(section_order).difference(set(chosen_sections)) if extra_sections: error_message_extra = ( f"'section order' can only include sections " f"available for this experiment. The following " f"sections are either unavailable or were not " f"selected for this experiment {', '.join(extra_sections)}" ) # raise an appropriate error message or a combination of messages if missing_sections and not extra_sections: raise ValueError(error_message_missing) elif extra_sections and not missing_sections: raise ValueError(error_message_extra) else: raise ValueError(f"{error_message_missing}\n{error_message_extra}")
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_ipynb_to_html(notebook_file, html_file): """ Convert given Jupyter notebook (``.ipynb``) to HTML file. Parameters ---------- notebook_file : str Path to input Jupyter notebook file. html_file : str Path to output HTML file. Note ---- This function is also exposed as the :ref:`render_notebook <render_notebook>` command-line utility. """ # `nbconvert` uses `asyncio` which uses an entirely default # implemention of the event loop on Windows for Cpython 3.8 # which breaks the report generation unless we include the # following workaround if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 8 and sys.platform.startswith("win"): asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) # set this environment variable for Python 3.11 since otherwise # invoking anything ipython-related yields warnings about debugging # frozen modules if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 11: os.environ["PYDEVD_DISABLE_FILE_VALIDATION"] = "1" # set a high timeout for datasets with a large number of features report_config = Config( { "ExecutePreprocessor": {"enabled": True, "timeout": 3600}, "HTMLExporter": { "template_name": "classic", "template_file": join(template_path, "report.tpl"), }, } ) # newer versions of nbconvert use a "clean_html" filter that # break SVG rendering; so we override that filter here with # a custom function that is essentially a noop. For more # details, please refer to the following issue: # def custom_clean_html(element): return element.decode() if isinstance(element, bytes) else str(element) default_filters["clean_html"] = custom_clean_html # we want to suppress the logged warning from nbconvert about missing # alt text since there is currently no easy way to add alt text to # inlined-SVG images that are generated programmatically. To do this, # we will temporarily change the log level for the log object that # produces this warning and then restore it after we are done exportHtml = HTMLExporter(config=report_config) old_level = exportHtml.log.level exportHtml.log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) output, _ = exportHtml.from_filename(notebook_file) exportHtml.log.setLevel(old_level) open(html_file, mode="w", encoding="utf-8").write(output)
[docs] def determine_chosen_sections( self, general_sections, special_sections, custom_sections, subgroups, context="rsmtool", ): """ Compile a combined list of section names to be included in the report. Parameters ---------- general_sections : list of str List of specified general section names. special_sections : str List of specified special section names, if any. custom_sections : list of str List of specified custom sections, if any. subgroups : list of str List of column names that contain grouping information. context : str, optional Context of the tool in which we are validating. One of {"rsmtool", "rsmeval", "rsmcompare"} Defaults to "rsmtool". Returns ------- chosen_sections : list of str Final list of chosen sections that are to be included in the HTML report. Raises ------ ValueError If a subgroup report section is requested but no subgroups were specified in the configuration file. """ # 1. Include all general sections unless we are asked to include # a specific (and valid) subset. general_section_list = master_section_dict["general"][context] chosen_general_sections = general_section_list all_general_sections = True if general_sections != ["all"]: self.check_section_names(general_sections, "general", context) chosen_general_sections = [s for s in general_sections if s in general_section_list] all_general_sections = False # 2. Exclude the subgroup sections if we do not have subgroup information. if len(subgroups) == 0: subgroup_sections = [ section for section in chosen_general_sections if section.endswith("by_group") or section == "fairness_analyses" ] # if we were given a list of general sections, raise an error if # that list included subgroup sections but no subgroups were specified if not all_general_sections and len(subgroup_sections) != 0: raise ValueError( f"You requested sections for subgroup analysis " f"but did not specify any subgroups. Please amend " f"the config files to define the subgroups or delete " f"the following sections from the list of sections: " f"{', '.join(subgroup_sections)}" ) # if we are using the default list, we simply remove the # subgroup sections chosen_general_sections = [ section for section in chosen_general_sections if section not in subgroup_sections ] # 3. Include the specified (and valid) subset of the special sections chosen_special_sections = [] if special_sections: special_section_list = master_section_dict["special"][context] self.check_section_names(special_sections, "special", context=context) chosen_special_sections = [s for s in special_sections if s in special_section_list] # 4. For the custom sections use the basename and strip off the `.ipynb` extension chosen_custom_sections = [] if custom_sections: chosen_custom_sections = [splitext(basename(cs))[0] for cs in custom_sections] # return the final list of chosen sections chosen_sections = chosen_general_sections + chosen_special_sections + chosen_custom_sections return chosen_sections
[docs] def get_section_file_map( self, special_sections, custom_sections, model_type=None, context="rsmtool" ): """ Map section names to IPython notebook filenames. Parameters ---------- special_sections : list of str List of special sections. custom_sections : list of str List of custom sections. model_type : str, optional Type of the model. One of {"BUILTIN", "SKLL", ``None``}. We allow ``None`` here so that rsmeval can use the same function. Defaults to ``None``. context : str, optional Context of the tool in which we are validating. One of {"rsmtool", "rsmeval", "rsmcompare"}. Defaults to "rsmtool". Returns ------- section_file_map : dict Dictionary mapping each section name to the corresponding IPython notebook filename. """ # create the original section file map for general sections selected_notebook_path = notebook_path_dict["general"][context] general_sections = master_section_dict["general"][context] section_file_map = { s: join(selected_notebook_path, f"{s}.ipynb") for s in general_sections + ["header", "footer"] } # update the file map to point the 'model section to either the built-in # or the SKLL model notebook depending on the model type that # was passed in if context == "rsmtool" and model_type: section_file_map["model"] = join( selected_notebook_path, f"{model_type.lower()}_model.ipynb" ) # update the file map to include the special sections if special_sections: selected_special_notebook_path = notebook_path_dict["special"][context] section_file_map.update( {ss: join(selected_special_notebook_path, f"{ss}.ipynb") for ss in special_sections} ) # update the file map to include the custom sections with # the file names (without the `.ipynb` extension) as the # names (keys) and full paths as values if custom_sections: section_file_map.update({splitext(basename(cs))[0]: cs for cs in custom_sections}) return section_file_map
[docs] def get_ordered_notebook_files( self, general_sections, special_sections=[], custom_sections=[], section_order=None, subgroups=[], model_type=None, context="rsmtool", ): """ Check all section names and the order of the sections. Combine all section names with the appropriate file mapping, and generate an ordered list of notebook files that are needed to generate the final report. Parameters ---------- general_sections : str List of specified general sections. special_sections : list, optional List of specified special sections, if any. Defaults to ``[]``. custom_sections : list, optional List of specified custom sections, if any. Defaults to ``[]``. section_order : list, optional Ordered list in which the user wants the specified sections. Defaults to ``None``. subgroups : list, optional List of column names that contain grouping information. Defaults to ``[]``. model_type : None, optional Type of the model. Possible values are {"BUILTIN", "SKLL", ``None``.}. We allow ``None`` here so that rsmeval can use the same function. Defaults to ``None``. context : str, optional Context of the tool in which we are validating. One of {"rsmtool", "rsmeval", "rsmcompare"}. Defaults to "rsmtool". Returns ------- chosen_notebook_files : list of str List of the IPython notebook files that have to be rendered into the HTML report. """ chosen_sections = self.determine_chosen_sections( general_sections, special_sections, custom_sections, subgroups, context=context, ) # check to make sure that if a custom section ordering is # specified by the user, that it actually contains # *all* of the sections that have been chosen for the # final report. if section_order: self.check_section_order(chosen_sections, section_order) # determine which order to use by default if context == "rsmtool": ordered_section_list = ordered_section_list_rsmtool elif context == "rsmeval": ordered_section_list = ordered_section_list_rsmeval elif context == "rsmcompare": ordered_section_list = ordered_section_list_rsmcompare elif context == "rsmsummarize": ordered_section_list = ordered_section_list_rsmsummarize elif context == "rsmexplain": ordered_section_list = ordered_section_list_rsmexplain # add all custom sections to the end of the default ordered list ordered_section_list.extend([splitext(basename(cs))[0] for cs in custom_sections]) # get the section file map section_file_map = self.get_section_file_map( special_sections, custom_sections, model_type, context=context ) # order the section list either according to the default # order in `ordered_section_list` or according to the custom # order that has been passed in via `section_order` order_to_use = section_order if section_order else ordered_section_list chosen_sections = [s for s in order_to_use if s in chosen_sections] # add the header and the footer to the chosen sections chosen_sections = ["header"] + chosen_sections + ["footer"] chosen_notebook_files = [section_file_map[cs] for cs in chosen_sections] return chosen_notebook_files
[docs] def create_report(self, config, csvdir, figdir, context="rsmtool"): """ Generate HTML report for an rsmtool/rsmeval experiment. Parameters ---------- config : configuration_parser.Configuration A configuration object csvdir : str The CSV output directory. figdir : str The figure output directory context : str Context of the tool in which we are validating. One of {"rsmtool", "rsmeval"}. Defaults to "rsmtool". Raises ------ KeyError If "test_file_location" or "pred_file_location" fields are not specified in the configuration. """ test_file_location = config.get("test_file_location") if test_file_location is None: test_file_location = config.get("pred_file_location") # raise error if location is still None if test_file_location is None: raise KeyError( "Could not find `test_file_location` or `pred_file_location` " "in Configuration object. Please make sure you have included " "one of these parameters in the configuration object." ) # if the features subset file is None, just use empty string feature_subset_file = ( "" if config.get("feature_subset_file") is None else config["feature_subset_file"] ) # if the min items is None, just set it to zero min_items = ( 0 if config["min_items_per_candidate"] is None else config["min_items_per_candidate"] ) # determine minimum and maximum scores for trimming ( used_trim_min, used_trim_max, trim_tolerance, ) = config.get_trim_min_max_tolerance() min_score = used_trim_min - trim_tolerance max_score = used_trim_max + trim_tolerance environ_config = { "EXPERIMENT_ID": config["experiment_id"], "DESCRIPTION": config["description"], "MODEL_TYPE": config.get("model_type", ""), "MODEL_NAME": config.get("model_name", ""), "TRAIN_FILE_LOCATION": config.get("train_file_location", ""), "TEST_FILE_LOCATION": test_file_location, "SUBGROUPS": config.get("subgroups", []), "GROUPS_FOR_DESCRIPTIVES": config.get("subgroups", []), "GROUPS_FOR_EVALUATIONS": config.get("subgroups", []), "MIN_N_PER_GROUP": config.get("min_n_per_group", {}), "LENGTH_COLUMN": config.get("length_column", None), "H2_COLUMN": config["second_human_score_column"], "MIN_ITEMS": min_items, "FEATURE_SUBSET_FILE": feature_subset_file, "EXCLUDE_ZEROS": config.get("exclude_zero_scores", True), "SCALED": config.get("use_scaled_predictions", False), "MIN_SCORE": min_score, "MAX_SCORE": max_score, "STANDARDIZE_FEATURES": config.get("standardize_features", True), "FILE_FORMAT": config.get("file_format", "csv"), "USE_THUMBNAILS": config.get("use_thumbnails", False), "SKLL_FIXED_PARAMETERS": config.get("skll_fixed_parameters", {}), "SKLL_OBJECTIVE": config.get("skll_objective", ""), "PREDICT_EXPECTED_SCORES": config.get("predict_expected_scores", False), "RATER_ERROR_VARIANCE": config.get("rater_error_variance", None), "CONTEXT": context, "JAVASCRIPT_PATH": javascript_path, "OUTPUT_DIR": csvdir, "FIGURE_DIR": figdir, } # get the report directory which is at the same level # as the output and the figure directory reportdir = abspath(join(csvdir, "..", "report")) report_name = f"{config['experiment_id']}_report" merged_notebook_file = join(reportdir, f"{report_name}.ipynb") environ_config_file = join(reportdir, ".environ.json") # set the report directory as an environment variable os.environ["RSM_REPORT_DIR"] = reportdir # write out hidden environment JSON file with open(environ_config_file, "w") as out_environ_config: json.dump(environ_config, out_environ_config) # merge all the given sections"Merging sections") self.merge_notebooks(config["chosen_notebook_files"], merged_notebook_file) # run the merged notebook and save the output as # an HTML file in the report directory"Exporting HTML") self.convert_ipynb_to_html(merged_notebook_file, join(reportdir, f"{report_name}.html")) log_report_to_wandb( self.wandb_run, f"{context}_report", join(reportdir, f"{report_name}.html") )
[docs] def create_comparison_report( self, config, csvdir_old, figdir_old, csvdir_new, figdir_new, output_dir ): """ Generate an HTML report for comparing two rsmtool experiments. Parameters ---------- config : configuration_parser.Configuration A configuration object csvdir_old : str The old experiment CSV output directory. figdir_old : str The old figure output directory csvdir_new : str The new experiment CSV output directory. figdir_new : str The old figure output directory output_dir : str The output dir for the new report. """ # whether to use scaled predictions for both new and old; default to false use_scaled_predictions_old = config.get("use_scaled_predictions_old", False) use_scaled_predictions_new = config.get("use_scaled_predictions_new", False) environ_config = { "EXPERIMENT_ID_OLD": config["experiment_id_old"], "EXPERIMENT_ID_NEW": config["experiment_id_new"], "DESCRIPTION_OLD": config["description_old"], "DESCRIPTION_NEW": config["description_new"], "GROUPS_FOR_DESCRIPTIVES": config.get("subgroups", []), "GROUPS_FOR_EVALUATIONS": config.get("subgroups", []), "SCALED_OLD": use_scaled_predictions_old, "SCALED_NEW": use_scaled_predictions_new, "USE_THUMBNAILS": config.get("use_thumbnails", False), "JAVASCRIPT_PATH": javascript_path, "OUTPUT_DIR_NEW": csvdir_new, "FIGURE_DIR_NEW": figdir_new, "OUTPUT_DIR_OLD": csvdir_old, "FIGURE_DIR_OLD": figdir_old, } # create the output directory os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) report_name = f"{config['comparison_id']}_report" merged_notebook_file = join(output_dir, f"{report_name}.ipynb") environ_config_file = join(output_dir, ".environ.json") # set the report directory as an environment variable os.environ["RSM_REPORT_DIR"] = abspath(output_dir) # write out hidden environment JSON file with open(environ_config_file, "w") as out_environ_config: json.dump(environ_config, out_environ_config) # merge all the given sections"Merging sections") self.merge_notebooks(config["chosen_notebook_files"], merged_notebook_file) # run the merged notebook and save the output as # an HTML file in the report directory"Exporting HTML") self.convert_ipynb_to_html(merged_notebook_file, join(output_dir, f"{report_name}.html")) log_report_to_wandb( self.wandb_run, "comparison_report", join(output_dir, f"{report_name}.html") )
[docs] def create_summary_report(self, config, all_experiments, csvdir): """ Generate an HTML report for summarizing the given rsmtool experiments. Parameters ---------- config : configuration_parser.Configuration A configuration object all_experiments : list of str A list of experiment configuration files to summarize. csvdir : str The experiment CSV output directory. """ environ_config = { "SUMMARY_ID": config["summary_id"], "DESCRIPTION": config["description"], "GROUPS_FOR_DESCRIPTIVES": config.get("subgroups", []), "GROUPS_FOR_EVALUATIONS": config.get("subgroups", []), "USE_THUMBNAILS": config.get("use_thumbnails", False), "FILE_FORMAT": config.get("file_format", "csv"), "JSONS": all_experiments, "JAVASCRIPT_PATH": javascript_path, "OUTPUT_DIR": csvdir, "CONTEXT": "rsmsummarize", } report_name = f"{config['summary_id']}_report" reportdir = abspath(join(csvdir, "..", "report")) merged_notebook_file = join(reportdir, f"{report_name}.ipynb") environ_config_file = join(reportdir, ".environ.json") # set the report directory as an environment variable os.environ["RSM_REPORT_DIR"] = reportdir # write out hidden environment JSON file with open(environ_config_file, "w") as out_environ_config: json.dump(environ_config, out_environ_config) # merge all the given sections"Merging sections") self.merge_notebooks(config["chosen_notebook_files"], merged_notebook_file) # run the merged notebook and save the output as # an HTML file in the report directory"Exporting HTML") self.convert_ipynb_to_html(merged_notebook_file, join(reportdir, f"{report_name}.html")) log_report_to_wandb( self.wandb_run, "summary_report", join(reportdir, f"{report_name}.html") )
[docs] def create_explanation_report(self, config, csv_dir, output_dir): """ Generate a html report for rsmexplain. Parameters ---------- config : configuration_parser.Configuration A configuration object csv_dir : str The experiment output directory containing CSV files with SHAP values output_dir : str The directory for the html report """ # we define a directory for the saved figures fig_dir = normpath(join(output_dir, "..", "figure")) environ_config = { "EXPERIMENT_ID": config["experiment_id"], "JAVASCRIPT_PATH": javascript_path, "DESCRIPTION": config["description"], "EXPLANATION": config["explanation"], # the path to the explanation object "BACKGROUND_KMEANS_SIZE": config["background_kmeans_size"], "IDs": config["ids"], "CSV_DIR": csv_dir, # the report loads some csv files, so we need this parameter "NUM_FEATURES_TO_DISPLAY": config["num_features_to_display"], "FIG_DIR": fig_dir, "HAS_SINGLE_EXAMPLE": config["has_single_example"], } report_name = f"{config['experiment_id']}_explain_report" reportdir = abspath(join(output_dir, "..", "report")) merged_notebook_file = join(reportdir, f"{report_name}.ipynb") environ_config_file = join(reportdir, ".environ.json") # set the report directory as an environment variable os.environ["RSM_REPORT_DIR"] = reportdir # write out hidden environment JSON file with open(environ_config_file, "w") as out_environ_config: json.dump(environ_config, out_environ_config) # merge all the given sections"Merging sections") self.merge_notebooks(config["chosen_notebook_files"], merged_notebook_file) # run the merged notebook and save the output as # an HTML file in the report directory"Exporting HTML") self.convert_ipynb_to_html(merged_notebook_file, join(reportdir, f"{report_name}.html"))"Success") log_report_to_wandb( self.wandb_run, "explain_report", join(reportdir, f"{report_name}.html") )
def main(): # noqa: D103 # set up an argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="render_notebook") parser.add_argument("ipynb_file", help="IPython notebook file") parser.add_argument("html_file", help="output HTML file") # parse given command line arguments args = parser.parse_args() # convert notebook to HTML Reporter.convert_ipynb_to_html(args.ipynb_file, args.html_file) if __name__ == "__main__": main()