Source code for rsmtool.reader

Classes for reading data files (or dictionaries) into DataContainer objects.

:author: Jeremy Biggs (
:author: Anastassia Loukina (
:author: Nitin Madnani (

:organization: ETS

import warnings
from functools import partial
from os.path import abspath, exists, join, splitext

import pandas as pd

from .container import DataContainer

# allow older versions of pandas to work
    from import DtypeWarning
except ImportError:
    from pandas.errors import DtypeWarning

[docs]def read_jsonlines(filename, converters=None): """ Read a data file in .jsonlines format into a data frame. Normalize nested jsons with up to one level of nesting. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of file to read. converters : dict, optional A dictionary specifying how the types of the columns in the file should be converted. Specified in the same format as for ``pandas.read_csv()``. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- df : pandas DataFrame Data frame containing the data in the given file. """ try: df = pd.read_json(filename, orient="records", lines=True, dtype=converters) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "The jsonlines file is not formatted correctly. " "Please check that each line ends with a comma, " "there is no comma at the end of the last line, " "and that all quotes match." ) # make sure we didn't get a plain json if type(df.columns) == pd.RangeIndex: raise ValueError( f"It looks like {filename} is a simple json file. Please " f"check documentation (for the expected file format" ) dfs = [] for column in df: # let's try to normalize this column try: df_column = pd.json_normalize(df[column]) # Starting with Pandas v1.3, we get an empty data frame # if the column does not contain a nested json. # If this is the case, we simply copy the column. if df_column.empty: df_column = df[column].copy() # Pandas <v1.3 will raise an attribute error instead, # so we'll catch that too except AttributeError: df_column = df[column].copy() dfs.append(df_column) df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1) return df
[docs]def try_to_load_file(filename, converters=None, raise_error=False, raise_warning=False, **kwargs): """ Read a single file, if it exists. Optionally raises an error or warning if the file cannot be found. Otherwise, returns ``None``. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to read. converters : dict, optional A dictionary specifying how the types of the columns in the file should be converted. Specified in the same format as for ``pandas.read_csv()``. Defaults to ``None``. raise_error : bool, optional Raise an error if the file cannot be located. Defaults to ``False``. raise_warning : bool, optional Raise a warning if the file cannot be located. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- df : pandas DataFrame or ``None`` DataFrame containing the data in the given file, or ``None`` if the file does not exist. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If ``raise_error`` is ``True`` and the file cannot be located. """ if exists(filename): return DataReader.read_from_file(filename, converters, **kwargs) message = f"The file '{filename}' could not be located." if raise_error: raise FileNotFoundError(message) if raise_warning: warnings.warn(message)
[docs]class DataReader: """Class to generate DataContainer objects.""" def __init__(self, filepaths, framenames, file_converters=None): """ Initialize a DataReader object. Parameters ---------- filepaths : list of str A list of paths to files that are to be read in. framenames : list of str A list of names for the data sets to be included in the container. file_converters : dict of dicts, optional A dictionary of file converter dicts. The keys are the data set names and the values are the converter dictionaries to be applied to the corresponding data set. Defaults to ``None``. Raises ------ AssertionError If ``len(filepaths)`` does not equal ``len(framenames)``. ValueError If ``file_converters`` is not a dictionary or if any of its values is not a dictionary. NameError If a key in ``file_converters`` does not exist in ``framenames``. ValueError If any of the specified file paths is ``None``. """ # Default datasets list self.datasets = [] # Make sure filepaths length matches frame names length assert len(filepaths) == len(framenames) # Make sure that there are no Nones in the filepaths if None in filepaths: frames_with_no_path = [ framenames[i] for i in range(len(framenames)) if filepaths[i] is None ] raise ValueError(f"No path specified for {' ,'.join(frames_with_no_path)}") # Assign names and paths lists self.dataset_names = framenames self.dataset_paths = filepaths # If `file_converters` exists, then # check to make sure it is the correct length # and add all elements to `file_converters` list if file_converters is not None: if not isinstance(file_converters, dict): raise ValueError( f"The 'file_converters' argument must be a `dict`, " f"not `{type(file_converters)}`." ) for file_converter_name in file_converters: # Make sure file_converter name is in `dataset_names` if file_converter_name not in self.dataset_names: raise NameError( f"The file converter name ``{file_converter_name}`` " f"does not exist in the dataset names that you passed." ) # Make sure file converter is a `dict` file_converter = file_converters[file_converter_name] if not isinstance(file_converter, dict): raise ValueError( f"Value for {file_converter_name} must be``dict`` " f"not {type(file_converter)}" ) # Default file_converters dict self.file_converters = {} if file_converters is None else file_converters
[docs] @staticmethod def read_from_file(filename, converters=None, **kwargs): """ Read a CSV/TSV/XLSX/JSONLINES/SAS7BDAT file and return a data frame. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to read. converters : dict, optional A dictionary specifying how the types of the columns in the file should be converted. Specified in the same format as for `pandas.read_csv()``. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- df : pandas DataFrame Data frame containing the data in the given file. Raises ------ ValueError If the file has an unsuppored extension. pandas.errors.ParserError If the file is badly formatted or corrupt. Note ---- Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the underlying pandas IO reader function. """ file_extension = splitext(filename)[1].lower() if file_extension in [".csv", ".tsv"]: sep = "\t" if file_extension == ".tsv" else "," do_read = partial(pd.read_csv, sep=sep, converters=converters) elif file_extension == ".xlsx": do_read = partial(pd.read_excel, converters=converters) elif file_extension == ".sas7bdat": if "encoding" not in kwargs: encoding = "latin-1" else: encoding = kwargs.pop("encoding") do_read = partial(pd.read_sas, encoding=encoding) elif file_extension in [".jsonlines"]: do_read = partial(read_jsonlines, converters=converters) else: raise ValueError( f"RSMTool only supports files in .csv, .tsv, .xlsx, " f"and .sas7bdat formats. Input files should have one " f"of these extensions. The file you passed is: {filename}." ) # ignore warnings about mixed data types for large files with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DtypeWarning) try: df = do_read(filename, **kwargs) except pd.errors.ParserError: raise pd.errors.ParserError( f"Cannot read {filename}. Please check " f"that it is not corrupt or in an incompatible " f"format. (Try running dos2unix?)" ) return df
[docs] @staticmethod def locate_files(filepaths, configdir): """ Locate an experiment file, or a list of experiment files. If the given path doesn't exist, then maybe the path is relative to the path of the config file. If neither exists, then return ``None``. Parameters ---------- filepaths : str or list Name(s) of the experiment file we want to locate. configdir : str Path to the reference configuration directory (usually the directory of the config file) Returns -------- retval : str or list Absolute path to the experiment file or ``None`` if the file could not be located. If ``filepaths`` was a string, this method will return a string. Otherwise, it will return a list. Raises ------ ValueError If ``filepaths`` is not a string or a list. """ # the feature config file can be in the 'feature' directory # at the same level as the main config file if not (isinstance(filepaths, str) or isinstance(filepaths, list)): raise ValueError( f"The 'filepaths' argument must be a string or a list, " f"not {type(filepaths)}." ) if isinstance(filepaths, str): filepaths = [filepaths] return_string = True else: return_string = False located_paths = [] for filepath in filepaths: retval = None alternate_path = abspath(join(configdir, filepath)) # if the given path exists as is, convert # that to an absolute path and return if exists(filepath): retval = abspath(filepath) # otherwise check if it exists relative # to the reference directory elif exists(alternate_path): retval = alternate_path located_paths.append(retval) if return_string: return located_paths[0] return located_paths
[docs] def read(self, kwargs_dict=None): """ Read all files contained in ``self.dataset_paths``. Parameters ---------- kwargs_dict : dict of dicts, optional Any additional keyword arguments to pass to a particular DataFrame. These arguments will be passed to the pandas IO reader function. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- datacontainer : container.DataContainer A data container object. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If any of the files in ``self.dataset_paths`` does not exist. """ for idx, set_path in enumerate(self.dataset_paths): name = self.dataset_names[idx] converter = self.file_converters.get(name, None) if not exists(set_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"The file {set_path} does not exist") if kwargs_dict is not None: kwargs = kwargs_dict.get(name, {}) else: kwargs = {} dataframe = self.read_from_file(set_path, converter, **kwargs) # Add to list of datasets self.datasets.append({"name": name.strip(), "path": set_path, "frame": dataframe}) return DataContainer(self.datasets)