Source code for rsmtool.comparer

Classes for comparing outputs of two RSMTool experiments.

:author: Jeremy Biggs (
:author: Anastassia Loukina (
:author: Nitin Madnani (

:organization: ETS

import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from os.path import exists, join

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import pearsonr

from .reader import DataReader
from .utils.files import get_output_directory_extension

_df_eval_columns_existing_raw = [

_df_eval_columns_existing_scale = [

_df_eval_columns_renamed = [
    "H1 mean",
    "H1 SD",
    "score mean(b)",
    "score SD(b)",
    "score mean(br)",
    "score SD(br)",
    "Adj. Agmt.(br)",

raw_rename_dict = dict(zip(_df_eval_columns_existing_raw, _df_eval_columns_renamed))
scale_rename_dict = dict(zip(_df_eval_columns_existing_scale, _df_eval_columns_renamed))

[docs]class Comparer: """Class to perform comparisons between two RSMTool experiments.""" @staticmethod def _modify_eval_columns_to_ensure_version_compatibilty( df, rename_dict, existing_eval_cols, short_metrics_list, raise_warnings=True ): """ Ensure that column names in eval data frames are backwards compatible. This helper method ensures that the column names for eval data frames are forward and backward compatible. There are two major changes in RSMTool (7.0 or greater) that necessitate this: (1) for subgroup calculations, 'DSM' is now used instead of 'SMD', and (2) QWK statistics are now calculated on un-rounded scores. Thus, we need to check these columns to see which sets of names are being used. Parameters ---------- df : pandas Data Frame The evaluation data frame. rename_dict : dict The rename dictionary. existing_eval_cols : list The existing evaluation columns. short_metrics_list : list The list of columns for the short metrics file. raise_warnings : bool, optional Whether to raise warnings. Defaults to ``True``. Returns ------- rename_dict_new : dict The updated rename dictionary. existing_eval_cols_new : list The updated existing evaluation columns short_metrics_list_new : list The updated list of columns for the short metrics file. smd_name : str The SMD column name (either 'SMD' or 'DSM') """ rename_dict_new = deepcopy(rename_dict) existing_eval_cols_new = deepcopy(existing_eval_cols) short_metrics_list_new = deepcopy(short_metrics_list) smd_name = "SMD" # previously, the QWK metric used `trim_round` scores; now, we use just `trim` scores; # We check whether `trim_round` scores were used and # raise an error if this is the case if any(col.endswith("trim_round") for col in df if col.startswith("wtkappa")): raise ValueError( "RSMTool (7.0 or greater) uses " "unrounded scores for weighted kappa calculations. At least one " "of your experiments was run " "using an older version of RSMTool that used " "rounded scores instead. Please re-run " "the experiment with the latest version of RSMTool." ) # we check if DSM was calculated (which is what we expect for subgroup evals), # and if so, we update the rename dictionary and column lists accordingly; we # also set `smd_name` equal to 'DSM' if any(col.startswith("DSM") for col in df): smd_name = "DSM" existing_eval_cols_new = [col.replace("SMD", "DSM") for col in existing_eval_cols_new] rename_dict_new = { key.replace("SMD", "DSM"): val.replace("SMD", "DSM") for key, val in rename_dict_new.items() } return ( rename_dict_new, existing_eval_cols_new, short_metrics_list_new, smd_name, )
[docs] @staticmethod def make_summary_stat_df(df): """ Compute summary statistics for the data in the given frame. Parameters ---------- df : pandas DataFrame Data frame containing numeric data. Returns ------- res : pandas DataFrame Data frame containing summary statistics for data in the input frame. """ series = [] for summary_func in [np.mean, np.std, np.median, np.min, np.max]: # apply function, but catch and ignore warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") series.append(df.apply(summary_func)) res = pd.concat(series, axis=1, sort=True) res.columns = ["MEAN", "SD", "MEDIAN", "MIN", "MAX"] return res
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_correlations_between_versions( df_old, df_new, human_score="sc1", id_column="spkitemid" ): """ Compute correlations between old and new feature values. This method computes correlations between old and new feature values in the two given frames as well as the correlations between each feature value and the human score. Parameters ---------- df_old : pandas DataFrame Data frame with feature values for the 'old' model. df_new : pandas DataFrame Data frame with feature values for the 'new' model. human_score : str, optional Name of the column containing human score. Defaults to "sc1". Must be the same for both data sets. id_column : str, optional Name of the column containing id for each response. Defaults to "spkitemid". Must be the same for both data sets. Returns ------- df_correlations: pandas DataFrame Data frame with a row for each feature and the following columns: - "N": total number of responses - "human_old": correlation with human score in the old frame - "human_new": correlation with human score in the new frame - "old_new": correlation between old and new frames Raises ------ ValueError If there are no shared features between the two sets. ValueError If there are no shared responses between the two sets. """ # Only use features that appear in both datasets features_old = [column for column in df_old if column not in [id_column, human_score]] features_new = [column for column in df_new if column not in [id_column, human_score]] features = list(set(features_old).intersection(features_new)) if len(features) == 0: raise ValueError("There are no matching features " "in these two data sets.") columns = features + [id_column, human_score] # merge the two data sets and display a warning # if there are non-matching ids df_merged = pd.merge( df_old[columns], df_new[columns], on=[id_column], suffixes=["%%%old", "%%%new"], ) if len(df_merged) == 0: raise ValueError("There are no shared ids between these two datasets.") if len(df_merged) != len(df_old): warnings.warn( "Some responses from the old data " "were not present in the new data and therefore " "were excluded from the analysis." ) if len(df_merged) != len(df_new): warnings.warn( "Some responses from the new data " "were not present in the old data and therefore " "were excluded from the analysis." ) # compute correlations between each feature and human score. # we are using the same approach as used in correlation_list = [] for feature in features: # compute correlations df_cor = pd.DataFrame( { "Feature": [feature], "N": len(df_merged), "human_old": pearsonr( df_merged[f"{human_score}%%%old"], df_merged[f"{feature}%%%old"] )[0], "human_new": pearsonr( df_merged[f"{human_score}%%%new"], df_merged[f"{feature}%%%new"] )[0], "old_new": pearsonr( df_merged[f"{feature}%%%new"], df_merged[f"{feature}%%%old"] )[0], } ) correlation_list.append(df_cor) df_correlations = pd.concat(correlation_list, sort=True) df_correlations.index = df_correlations["Feature"] = None return df_correlations
[docs] @staticmethod def process_confusion_matrix(conf_matrix): """ Add "human" and "machine" to column names in the confusion matrix. Parameters ---------- conf_matrix : pandas DataFrame data frame containing the confusion matrix. Returns ------- conf_matrix_renamed : pandas DataFrame pandas Data Frame containing the confusion matrix with the columns renamed. """ conf_matrix_renamed = conf_matrix.copy() conf_matrix_renamed.index = [f"machine {n}" for n in conf_matrix.index] conf_matrix_renamed.columns = [f"human {x}" for x in conf_matrix.columns] return conf_matrix_renamed
[docs] def load_rsmtool_output(self, filedir, figdir, experiment_id, prefix, groups_eval): """ Load all of the outputs of an rsmtool experiment. For each type of output, we first check whether the file exists to allow comparing experiments with different sets of outputs. Parameters ---------- filedir : str Path to the directory containing output files. figdir : str Path to the directory containing output figures. experiment_id : str Original ``experiment_id`` used to generate the output files. prefix: str Must be set to ``scale`` or ``raw``. Indicates whether the score is scaled or not. groups_eval: list List of subgroup names used for subgroup evaluation. Returns ------- files : dict A dictionary with outputs converted to pandas data frames. If a particular type of output did not exist for the experiment, its value will be an empty data frame. figs: dict A dictionary with experiment figures. """ file_format = get_output_directory_extension(filedir, experiment_id) files = defaultdict(pd.DataFrame) figs = {} # feature distributions and the inter-feature correlations feature_train_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_train_features.{file_format}") if exists(feature_train_file): files["df_train_features"] = DataReader.read_from_file(feature_train_file) feature_distplots_file = join(figdir, f"{experiment_id}_distrib.svg") if exists(feature_distplots_file): figs["feature_distplots"] = feature_distplots_file feature_cors_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_cors_processed.{file_format}") if exists(feature_cors_file): files["df_feature_cors"] = DataReader.read_from_file(feature_cors_file, index_col=0) # df_scores scores_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_pred_processed.{file_format}") if exists(scores_file): df_scores = DataReader.read_from_file(scores_file, converters={"spkitemid": str}) files["df_scores"] = df_scores[["spkitemid", "sc1", prefix]] # model coefficients if present betas_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_betas.{file_format}") if exists(betas_file): files["df_coef"] = DataReader.read_from_file(betas_file, index_col=0) files["df_coef"] = None # read in the model fit files if present model_fit_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_model_fit.{file_format}") if exists(model_fit_file): files["df_model_fit"] = DataReader.read_from_file(model_fit_file) # human human agreement consistency_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_consistency.{file_format}") # load if consistency file is present if exists(consistency_file): df_consistency = DataReader.read_from_file(consistency_file, index_col=0) files["df_consistency"] = df_consistency # degradation degradation_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_degradation.{file_format}") # load if degradation file is present if exists(degradation_file): df_degradation = DataReader.read_from_file(degradation_file, index_col=0) files["df_degradation"] = df_degradation # disattenuated correlations dis_corr_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_disattenuated_correlations.{file_format}") # load if disattenuated correlations is present if exists(dis_corr_file): df_dis_corr = DataReader.read_from_file(dis_corr_file, index_col=0) # we only use the row for raw_trim or scale_trim score files["df_disattenuated_correlations"] = df_dis_corr.loc[[f"{prefix}_trim"]] # read in disattenuated correlations by group for group in groups_eval: group_dis_corr_file = join( filedir, f"{experiment_id}_disattenuated_correlations_by_{group}.{file_format}", ) if exists(group_dis_corr_file): df_dis_cor_group = DataReader.read_from_file(group_dis_corr_file, index_col=0) files[f"df_disattenuated_correlations_by_{group}"] = df_dis_cor_group files[ f"df_disattenuated_correlations_by_{group}_overview" ] = self.make_summary_stat_df(df_dis_cor_group) # true score evaluations true_score_eval_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_true_score_eval.{file_format}") # load true score evaluations if present if exists(true_score_eval_file): df_true_score_eval = DataReader.read_from_file(true_score_eval_file, index_col=0) # we only use the row for raw_trim or scale_trim score files["df_true_score_eval"] = df_true_score_eval.loc[[f"{prefix}_trim"]] # use the raw columns or the scale columns depending on the prefix existing_eval_cols = ( _df_eval_columns_existing_raw if prefix == "raw" else _df_eval_columns_existing_scale ) rename_dict = raw_rename_dict if prefix == "raw" else scale_rename_dict # read in the short version of the evaluation metrics for all data short_metrics_list = [ "N", "Adj. Agmt.(br)", "Agmt.(br)", "K(br)", "Pearson(b)", "QWK(b)", "R2(b)", "RMSE(b)", ] eval_file_short = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_eval_short.{file_format}") if exists(eval_file_short): df_eval = DataReader.read_from_file(eval_file_short, index_col=0) ( rename_dict_new, existing_eval_cols_new, short_metrics_list_new, _, ) = self._modify_eval_columns_to_ensure_version_compatibilty( df_eval, rename_dict, existing_eval_cols, short_metrics_list ) df_eval = df_eval[existing_eval_cols_new] df_eval = df_eval.rename(columns=rename_dict_new) files["df_eval"] = df_eval[short_metrics_list_new] files["df_eval"] = None eval_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_eval.{file_format}") if exists(eval_file): files["df_eval_for_degradation"] = DataReader.read_from_file(eval_file, index_col=0) # read in the evaluation metrics by subgroup, if we are asked to for group in groups_eval: group_eval_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_eval_by_{group}.{file_format}") if exists(group_eval_file): df_eval = DataReader.read_from_file(group_eval_file, index_col=0) ( rename_dict_new, existing_eval_cols_new, short_metrics_list_new, smd_name, ) = self._modify_eval_columns_to_ensure_version_compatibilty( df_eval, rename_dict, existing_eval_cols, short_metrics_list, raise_warnings=False, ) df_eval = df_eval[existing_eval_cols_new] df_eval = df_eval.rename(columns=rename_dict_new) files[f"df_eval_by_{group}"] = df_eval[short_metrics_list_new] files[f"df_eval_by_{group}"] = None series = files[f"df_eval_by_{group}"] files[f"df_eval_by_{group}_overview"] = self.make_summary_stat_df(series) # set the ordering of mean/SD/SMD statistics files[f"df_eval_by_{group}_m_sd"] = df_eval[ [ "N", "H1 mean", "H1 SD", "score mean(br)", "score SD(br)", "score mean(b)", "score SD(b)", f"{smd_name}(br)", f"{smd_name}(b)", ] ] files[f"df_eval_by_{group}_m_sd"] = None # read in the partial correlations vs. score for all data pcor_score_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_pcor_score_all_data.{file_format}") if exists(pcor_score_file): files["df_pcor_sc1"] = DataReader.read_from_file(pcor_score_file, index_col=0) files["df_pcor_sc1_overview"] = self.make_summary_stat_df(files["df_pcor_sc1"]) # read in the partial correlations by subgroups, if we are asked to for group in groups_eval: group_pcor_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_pcor_score_by_{group}.{file_format}") if exists(group_pcor_file): files[f"df_pcor_sc1_by_{group}"] = DataReader.read_from_file( group_pcor_file, index_col=0 ) series = files[f"df_pcor_sc1_by_{group}"] files[f"df_pcor_sc1_{group}_overview"] = self.make_summary_stat_df(series) # read in the marginal correlations vs. score for all data mcor_score_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_margcor_score_all_data.{file_format}") if exists(mcor_score_file): files["df_mcor_sc1"] = DataReader.read_from_file(mcor_score_file, index_col=0) files["df_mcor_sc1_overview"] = self.make_summary_stat_df(files["df_mcor_sc1"]) # read in the partial correlations by subgroups, if we are asked to for group in groups_eval: group_mcor_file = join( filedir, f"{experiment_id}_margcor_score_by_{group}.{file_format}" ) if exists(group_mcor_file): files[f"df_mcor_sc1_by_{group}"] = DataReader.read_from_file( group_mcor_file, index_col=0 ) series = files[f"df_mcor_sc1_by_{group}"] files[f"df_mcor_sc1_{group}_overview"] = self.make_summary_stat_df(series) pca_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_pca.{file_format}") if exists(pca_file): files["df_pca"] = DataReader.read_from_file(pca_file, index_col=0) files["df_pcavar"] = DataReader.read_from_file( join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_pcavar.{file_format}"), index_col=0 ) descriptives_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_feature_descriptives.{file_format}") if exists(descriptives_file): # we read all files pertaining to the descriptive analysis together # since we merge the outputs files["df_descriptives"] = DataReader.read_from_file(descriptives_file, index_col=0) # this df contains only the number of features. this is used later # for another two tables to show the number of features df_features_n_values = files["df_descriptives"][["N", "min", "max"]] files["df_descriptives"] = files["df_descriptives"][ ["N", "mean", "std. dev.", "skewness", "kurtosis"] ] outliers_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_feature_outliers.{file_format}") df_outliers = DataReader.read_from_file(outliers_file, index_col=0) df_outliers = df_outliers.rename( columns={ "upper": "Upper", "lower": "Lower", "both": "Both", "upperperc": "Upper %", "lowerperc": "Lower %", "bothperc": "Both %", } ) df_outliers_columns = df_outliers.columns.tolist() files["df_outliers"] = df_outliers # join with df_features_n_values to get the value of N files["df_outliers"] = pd.merge( files["df_outliers"], df_features_n_values, left_index=True, right_index=True, )[["N"] + df_outliers_columns] # join with df_features_n_values to get the value of N percentiles_file = join( filedir, f"{experiment_id}_feature_descriptivesExtra.{file_format}" ) files["df_percentiles"] = DataReader.read_from_file(percentiles_file, index_col=0) files["df_percentiles"] = pd.merge( files["df_percentiles"], df_features_n_values, left_index=True, right_index=True, ) mild_outliers = ( files["df_percentiles"]["Mild outliers"] / files["df_percentiles"]["N"].astype(float) * 100 ) files["df_percentiles"]["Mild outliers (%)"] = mild_outliers extreme_outliers = ( files["df_percentiles"]["Extreme outliers"] / files["df_percentiles"]["N"].astype(float) * 100 ) files["df_percentiles"]["Extreme outliers (%)"] = extreme_outliers files["df_percentiles"] = files["df_percentiles"][ [ "N", "min", "max", "1%", "5%", "25%", "50%", "75%", "95%", "99%", "IQR", "Mild outliers", "Mild outliers (%)", "Extreme outliers", "Extreme outliers (%)", ] ] confmatrix_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_confMatrix.{file_format}") if exists(confmatrix_file): conf_matrix = DataReader.read_from_file(confmatrix_file, index_col=0) files["df_confmatrix"] = self.process_confusion_matrix(conf_matrix) score_dist_file = join(filedir, f"{experiment_id}_score_dist.{file_format}") if exists(score_dist_file): df_score_dist = DataReader.read_from_file(score_dist_file, index_col=1) df_score_dist.rename(columns={f"sys_{prefix}": "sys"}, inplace=True) files["df_score_dist"] = df_score_dist[["human", "sys", "difference"]] # read in the feature boxplots by subgroup, if we were asked to for group in groups_eval: feature_boxplot_prefix = join(figdir, f"{experiment_id}_feature_boxplot_by_{group}") svg_file = join(feature_boxplot_prefix + ".svg") png_file = join(feature_boxplot_prefix + ".png") if exists(svg_file): figs[f"feature_boxplots_by_{group}_svg"] = svg_file elif exists(png_file): figs[f"feature_boxplots_by_{group}_png"] = png_file # read in the betas image if exists betas_svg = join(figdir, f"{experiment_id}_betas.svg") if exists(betas_svg): figs["betas"] = betas_svg # read in the evaluation barplots by subgroup, if we were asked to for group in groups_eval: eval_barplot_svg_file = join(figdir, f"{experiment_id}_eval_by_{group}.svg") if exists(eval_barplot_svg_file): figs[f"eval_barplot_by_{group}"] = eval_barplot_svg_file pca_svg_file = join(figdir, f"{experiment_id}_pca.svg") if exists(pca_svg_file): figs["pca_scree_plot"] = pca_svg_file return (files, figs, file_format)