Source code for rsmtool.utils.notebook

Utility functions for use in RSMTool sections/notebooks.

:author: Jeremy Biggs (
:author: Anastassia Loukina (
:author: Nitin Madnani (

:organization: ETS

import re
from math import ceil
from os.path import exists, isabs, relpath
from pathlib import Path
from string import Template
from textwrap import wrap
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from IPython.display import HTML, display


    <td style="text-align:left;">
        <a href="{}" style="text-decoration: none;" download>{}</a>
    <td style="text-align:left;">{}</td>

def float_format_func(num: float, prec: int = 3, scientific: bool = False) -> str:
    Format given float to the specified precision as a string.

    num : float
        The floating point number to format.
    prec: int
        The number of decimal places to use when displaying the number.
        Defaults to 3.
    scientific: bool
        Whether to display the number in scientific notiation if the rounded
        version is "0.000".
        Defaults to ``False``.

    ans : str
        The formatted string representing the given number.
    rounded_formatter_string = Template("{:.${prec}f}").substitute(prec=prec)
    scientific_formatter_string = Template("{:.${prec}e}").substitute(prec=prec)
    ans = rounded_formatter_string.format(num)
    if ans == "0.000" and scientific:
        ans = scientific_formatter_string.format(num)
    return ans

def int_or_float_format_func(num: Union[int, float], prec: int = 3) -> str:
    Identify whether the number is float or integer.

    When displaying integers, use no decimal. For a float, round to the
    specified number of decimal places and convert to a string.

    num : Union[int, float]
        The number to format and display.
    prec : int
        The number of decimal places to display if x is a float.
        Defaults to 3.

    ans : str
        The formatted string representing the given number.
    if float.is_integer(num):
        ans = f"{int(num)}"
        ans = float_format_func(num, prec=prec)
    return ans

def custom_highlighter(
    num: float,
    low: float = 0,
    high: float = 1,
    prec: int = 3,
    absolute: bool = False,
    span_class: str = "bold",
) -> str:
    Convert float to an HTML <span> element with given class.

    The conversion only happens if the given float is below ``low``
    or above ``high``. If it does not meet those constraints, then
    a plain string is returned with specified number of decimal places.

    num : float
        The floating point number to format.
    low : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is below this value.
        Defaults to 0.
    high : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is above this value.
        Defaults to 1.
    prec : int
        The number of decimal places to display for x. Defaults to 3.
    absolute : bool
        If ``True``, use the absolute value of x for comparison.
        Defaults to ``False``.
    span_class : str
        One of ``"bold"`` or ``"color"``. These are the two classes available
        for the HTML span tag.
        Defaults to ``"bold"``.

    ans : str
        The plain or HTML string representing the given number.
    abs_num = abs(num) if absolute else num
    val = float_format_func(num, prec=prec)
    ans = (
        f'<span class="highlight_{span_class}">{val}</span>'
        if abs_num < low or abs_num > high
        else val
    return ans

def bold_highlighter(
    num: float, low: float = 0, high: float = 1, prec: int = 3, absolute: bool = False
) -> str:
    Instantiate a ``custom_highlighter()`` with "bold" as default class.

    num : float
        The floating point number to format.
    low : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is below this value.
        Defaults to 0.
    high : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is above this value.
        Defaults to 1.
    prec : int
        The number of decimal places to display for x.
        Defaults to 3.
    absolute : bool
        If ``True``, use the absolute value of x for comparison.
        Defaults to ``False``.

    ans : str
        The formatted highlighter with bold class as default.
    ans = custom_highlighter(num, low, high, prec, absolute, "bold")
    return ans

def color_highlighter(
    num: float, low: float = 0, high: float = 1, prec: int = 3, absolute: bool = False
) -> str:
    Instantiate a ``custom_highlighter()`` with "color" as the default class.

    num : float
        The floating point number to format.
    low : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is below this value.
        Defaults to 0.
    high : float
        The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is above this value.
        Defaults to 1.
    prec : int
        The number of decimal places to display for x.
        Defaults to 3.
    absolute : bool
        If ``True``, use the absolute value of x for comparison.
        Defaults to ``False``.

    ans : str
        The formatted highlighter with color class as default.
    ans = custom_highlighter(num, low, high, prec, absolute, "color")
    return ans

def compute_subgroup_plot_params(
    group_names: List[str], num_plots: int
) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int, List[str]]:
    Compute subgroup plot and figure parameters.

    The parameters are computed based on the number of subgroups and the
    number of plots to be generated.

    group_names : List[str]
        A list of subgroup names for plots.
    num_plots : int
        The number of plots to compute.

    figure_width : int
        The width of the figure.
    figure_height : int
        The height of the figure.
    num_rows : int
        The number of rows for the plots.
    num_columns : int
        The number of columns for the plots.
    wrapped_group_names : List[str]
        A list of group names for plots.
    wrapped_group_names = ["\n".join(wrap(str(gn), 20)) for gn in group_names]
    plot_height = 4 if wrapped_group_names == group_names else 6
    num_groups = len(group_names)
    if num_groups <= 6:
        num_columns = 2
        num_rows = ceil(num_plots / num_columns)
        figure_width = num_columns * num_groups
        figure_height = plot_height * num_rows
        num_columns = 1
        num_rows = num_plots
        figure_width = 10
        figure_height = plot_height * num_plots

    return (figure_width, figure_height, num_rows, num_columns, wrapped_group_names)

[docs] def get_thumbnail_as_html( path_to_image: str, image_id: int, path_to_thumbnail: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """ Generate HTML for a clickable thumbnail of given image. Given the path to an image file, generate the HTML for a clickable thumbnail version of the image. When clicked, this HTML will open the full-sized version of the image in a new window. Parameters ---------- path_to_image : str The absolute or relative path to the image. If an absolute path is provided, it will be converted to a relative path. image_id : int The id of the <img> tag in the HTML. This must be unique for each <img> tag. path_to_thumbnail : Optional[str] If you would like to use a different thumbnail image, specify the path to this thumbnail. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- image : str The HTML string generated for the image. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the image file cannot be located. """ error_message = "The file `{}` could not be located." if not exists(path_to_image): raise FileNotFoundError(error_message.format(path_to_image)) # check if the path is relative or absolute if isabs(path_to_image): rel_image_path = relpath(path_to_image) else: rel_image_path = path_to_image # if `path_to_thumbnail` is None, use `path_to_image`; # otherwise, get the relative path to the thumbnail if path_to_thumbnail is None: rel_thumbnail_path = rel_image_path else: if not exists(path_to_thumbnail): raise FileNotFoundError(error_message.format(path_to_thumbnail)) rel_thumbnail_path = relpath(path_to_thumbnail) # specify the thumbnail style style = """ <style> img { border: 1px solid #ddd; border-radius: 4px; padding: 5px; width: 150px; cursor: pointer; } </style> """ # on click, open larger image in new window script = """ <script> function getPicture(picpath) {, 'Image', resizable=1); }; </script>""" # generate image tags image = ( f"""<img id='{image_id}' src='{rel_image_path}' """ f"""onclick='getPicture("{rel_thumbnail_path}")' """ f"""title="Click to enlarge"></img>""" ) # create the image HTML image += style image += script return image
[docs] def show_thumbnail( path_to_image: str, image_id: int, path_to_thumbnail: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Display the HTML for an image thumbnail in a Jupyter notebook. Given the path to an image file, generate the HTML for its thumbnail and display it in the notebook. Parameters ---------- path_to_image : str The absolute or relative path to the image. If an absolute path is provided, it will be converted to a relative path. image_id : int The id of the <img> tag in the HTML. This must be unique for each <img> tag. path_to_thumbnail : Optional[str] If you would like to use a different thumbnail image, specify the path to the thumbnail. Defaults to ``None``. """ display(HTML(get_thumbnail_as_html(path_to_image, image_id, path_to_thumbnail)))
def get_files_as_html( output_dir: str, experiment_id: str, file_format: str, replace_dict: Dict[str, str] = {} ) -> str: """ Generate an HTML list for each output file in given directory. Optionally pass a replacement dictionary to use more descriptive titles for the file names. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str The output directory. experiment_id : str The experiment ID. file_format : str The format of the output files. replace_dict : Dict[str, str] A dictionary which maps file names to descriptions. Defaults to ``{}``. Returns ------- html_string : str HTML string with file descriptions and links. """ output_path = Path(output_dir) parent_dir = output_path.parent # get the list of intermediate files generated for this experiment files = list(output_path.glob(f"*.{file_format}")) # get the bare filenames for each file since we will need those for sorting filenames = [file.stem.replace(f"{experiment_id}_", "") for file in files] # initialize list to hold the generated HTML strings html_strings = [ """ <tr> <th style="text-align:left;">Filename</th> <th style="text-align:left;">Description</th> </tr> """ ] # iterate over the files and generate the HTML strings for filename, file in sorted(zip(filenames, files)): # get the path of the file relative to the parent of the "output" # directory; these will be the targets of our links relative_file = ".." / file.relative_to(parent_dir) # get the relative names of the file without the experiment id prefix # these are needed in case we do not have a pre-defined replacement relative_name = relative_file.stem.replace(f"{experiment_id}_", "") # if the name of the file contains "_by_<subgroup>", replace # the subgroup with "ZZZ" to get the replacement key; otherwise, # use the filename as the key; if neither form of the key is # found in the dictionary, use the filename itself as the description try: if m :="_by_([^\._]+)", filename): subgroup = replacement_key = filename.replace(f"_by_{subgroup}", "_by_ZZZ") # replace the "ZZZ" with the actual subgroup in the description descriptive_name = replace_dict[replacement_key].replace("ZZZ", subgroup) else: replacement_key = filename descriptive_name = replace_dict[filename] except KeyError: descriptive_name_components = relative_name.split("_") descriptive_name = " ".join(descriptive_name_components).title() # generate a table row string for this file html_strings.append( INTERMEDIATE_TABLE_ROW_STRING.format(relative_file, filename, descriptive_name) ) # combine the HTML table row strings into a single HTML table table_rows = "\n".join(html_strings) return f"<table>{table_rows}</table>" def show_files(context: str, output_dir: str, experiment_id: str, file_format: str) -> None: """ Show files for given context and directory as a table in a Jupyter notebook. Parameters ---------- context: str The tool context: one of {``"rsmtool"``, ``"rsmeval"``, ``"rsmsummarize"``}. output_dir : str The output directory. experiment_id : str The experiment ID. file_format : str The format of the output files. """ html_string = get_files_as_html( output_dir, experiment_id, file_format, replace_dict=INTERMEDIATE_FILES_TO_DESCRIPTIONS[context], ) display(HTML(html_string))