Source code for rsmtool.rsmeval

#!/usr/bin/env python
Run evaluation only experiments.

:author: Jeremy Biggs (
:author: Anastassia Loukina (
:author: Nitin Madnani (

:organization: ETS

import logging
import os
import sys
from os import listdir
from os.path import abspath, exists, join
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from wandb.sdk.lib import RunDisabled
from wandb.wandb_run import Run

from .analyzer import Analyzer
from .configuration_parser import Configuration, configure
from .preprocessor import FeaturePreprocessor
from .reader import DataReader
from .reporter import Reporter
from .utils.commandline import ConfigurationGenerator, setup_rsmcmd_parser
from .utils.constants import VALID_PARSER_SUBCOMMANDS
from .utils.logging import LogFormatter
from .utils.wandb import init_wandb_run, log_configuration_to_wandb
from .writer import DataWriter

[docs] def run_evaluation( config_file_or_obj_or_dict: Union[str, Configuration, Dict[str, Any], Path], output_dir: str, overwrite_output: bool = False, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, wandb_run: Union[Run, RunDisabled, None] = None, ) -> None: """ Run an rsmeval experiment using the given configuration. All outputs are generated under ``output_dir``. If ``overwrite_output`` is ``True``, any existing output in ``output_dir`` is overwritten. Parameters ---------- config_file_or_obj_or_dict : Union[str, Configuration, Dict[str, Any], Path] Path to the experiment configuration file either a string or as a ``pathlib.Path`` object. Users can also pass a ``Configuration`` object that is in memory or a Python dictionary with keys corresponding to fields in the configuration file. Given a configuration file, any relative paths in the configuration file will be interpreted relative to the location of the file. Given a ``Configuration`` object, relative paths will be interpreted relative to the ``configdir`` attribute, that _must_ be set. Given a dictionary, the reference path is set to the current directory. output_dir : str Path to the experiment output directory. overwrite_output : bool If ``True``, overwrite any existing output under ``output_dir``. Defaults to ``False``. logger : Optional[logging.Logger] A Logger object. If ``None`` is passed, get logger from ``__name__``. Defaults to ``None``. wandb_run : Union[wandb.wandb_run.Run, wandb.sdk.lib.RunDisabled, None] A wandb run object that will be used to log artifacts and tables. If ``None`` is passed, a new wandb run will be initialized if wandb is enabled in the configuration. Defaults to ``None``. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If any of the files contained in ``config_file_or_obj_or_dict`` cannot be located. IOError If ``output_dir`` already contains the output of a previous experiment and ``overwrite_output`` is ``False``. """ logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger(__name__) # create the 'output' and the 'figure' sub-directories # where all the experiment output such as the CSV files # and the box plots will be saved csvdir = abspath(join(output_dir, "output")) figdir = abspath(join(output_dir, "figure")) reportdir = abspath(join(output_dir, "report")) os.makedirs(csvdir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(figdir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(reportdir, exist_ok=True) # Raise an error if the specified output directory # already contains a non-empty `output` directory, unless # ``overwrite_output`` was specified, in which case we assume # that the user knows what she is doing and simply # output a warning saying that the report might # not be correct. non_empty_csvdir = exists(csvdir) and listdir(csvdir) if non_empty_csvdir: if not overwrite_output: raise IOError(f"'{output_dir}' already contains a non-empty 'output' directory.") else: logger.warning( f"{output_dir} already contains a non-empty 'output' directory. " f"The generated report might contain unexpected information " f"from a previous experiment." ) configuration = configure("rsmeval", config_file_or_obj_or_dict)"Saving configuration file.") # If wandb logging is enabled, and wandb_run is not provided, # start a wandb run and log configuration if wandb_run is None: wandb_run = init_wandb_run(configuration) log_configuration_to_wandb(wandb_run, configuration) # Get output format file_format = configuration.get("file_format", "csv") # Get DataWriter object writer = DataWriter(configuration["experiment_id"], configuration.context, wandb_run) # Make sure prediction file can be located pred_file_location = DataReader.locate_files( configuration["predictions_file"], configuration.configdir )[0] if not pred_file_location: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Error: Predictions file {configuration['predictions_file']} " f"not found." ) scale_with = configuration.get("scale_with") # scale_with can be one of the following: # (a) 'raw' or None : the predictions are assumed to be 'raw' and should be used as is # when computing the metrics; the names for the final columns are # 'raw', 'raw_trim' and 'raw_trim_round'. # (b) 'asis' : the predictions are assumed to be pre-scaled and should be used as is # when computing the metrics; the names for the final columns are # 'scale', 'scale_trim' and 'scale_trim_round'. # (c) a CSV file : the predictions are assumed to be 'raw' and should be scaled # before computing the metrics; the names for the final columns are # 'scale', 'scale_trim' and 'scale_trim_round'. # Check whether we want to do scaling do_scaling = scale_with is not None and scale_with not in ["asis", "raw"] # The paths to files and names for data container properties paths = ["predictions_file"] names = ["predictions"] # If we want to do scaling, get the scale file if do_scaling: # Make sure scale file can be located scale_file_location = DataReader.locate_files(scale_with, configuration.configdir)[0] if not scale_file_location: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find scaling file {scale_file_location}.") paths.append("scale_with") names.append("scale") # Get the paths, names, and converters for the DataReader (file_names, file_paths) = configuration.get_names_and_paths(paths, names) file_paths = DataReader.locate_files(file_paths, configuration.configdir) converters = {"predictions": configuration.get_default_converter()}"Reading predictions: {configuration['predictions_file']}.") # Initialize the reader reader = DataReader(file_paths, file_names, converters) data_container ="Preprocessing predictions.") # Initialize the processor processor = FeaturePreprocessor(logger=logger) (processed_config, processed_container) = processor.process_data( configuration, data_container, context="rsmeval" )"Saving pre-processed predictions and metadata to disk.") writer.write_experiment_output( csvdir, processed_container, new_names_dict={ "pred_test": "pred_processed", "test_excluded": "test_excluded_responses", }, file_format=file_format, ) # Initialize the analyzer analyzer = Analyzer(logger=logger) # do the data composition stats ( analyzed_config, analyzed_container, ) = analyzer.run_data_composition_analyses_for_rsmeval(processed_container, processed_config) # Write out files writer.write_experiment_output(csvdir, analyzed_container, file_format=file_format) for_pred_data_container = analyzed_container + processed_container # run the analyses on the predictions of the model`"Running analyses on predictions.") ( pred_analysis_config, pred_analysis_data_container, ) = analyzer.run_prediction_analyses( for_pred_data_container, analyzed_config, wandb_run=wandb_run ) writer.write_experiment_output( csvdir, pred_analysis_data_container, reset_index=True, file_format=file_format ) # Initialize reporter reporter = Reporter(logger=logger, wandb_run=wandb_run) # generate the report"Starting report generation.") reporter.create_report(pred_analysis_config, csvdir, figdir, context="rsmeval")
def main(argv: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: """ Entry point for the ``rsmeval`` command-line tool. Parameters ---------- argv : Optional[List[str]] List of arguments to use instead of ``sys.argv``. Defaults to ``None``. """ # if no arguments are passed, then use sys.argv if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] # set up the basic logging configuration formatter = LogFormatter() # we need two handlers, one that prints to stdout # for the "run" command and one that prints to stderr # from the "generate" command; the latter is important # because do not want the warning to show up in the # generated configuration file stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) stdout_handler.setFormatter(formatter) stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) stderr_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logging.root.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # set up an argument parser via our helper function parser = setup_rsmcmd_parser( "rsmeval", uses_output_directory=True, allows_overwriting=True, uses_subgroups=True, ) # if we have no arguments at all then just show the help message if len(argv) < 1: argv.append("-h") # if the first argument is not one of the valid sub-commands # or one of the valid optional arguments, then assume that they # are arguments for the "run" sub-command. This allows the # old style command-line invocations to work without modification. if argv[0] not in VALID_PARSER_SUBCOMMANDS + [ "-h", "--help", "-V", "--version", ]: args_to_pass = ["run"] + argv else: args_to_pass = argv args = parser.parse_args(args=args_to_pass) # call the appropriate function based on which sub-command was run if args.subcommand == "run": # when running, log to stdout logging.root.addHandler(stdout_handler) # run the experiment"Output directory: {args.output_dir}") run_evaluation( abspath(args.config_file), abspath(args.output_dir), overwrite_output=args.force_write, ) else: # when generating, log to stderr logging.root.addHandler(stderr_handler) # auto-generate an example configuration and print it to STDOUT generator = ConfigurationGenerator( "rsmeval", as_string=True, suppress_warnings=args.quiet, use_subgroups=args.subgroups, ) configuration = ( generator.interact( if args.output_file else None) if args.interactive else generator.generate() ) print(configuration, file=args.output_file) if __name__ == "__main__": main()