Source code for rsmtool.analyzer

Classes for analyzing RSMTool predictions, metrics, etc.

:author: Jeremy Biggs (
:author: Anastassia Loukina (
:author: Nitin Madnani (

:organization: ETS

import logging
import warnings
from functools import partial
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import kurtosis, pearsonr
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, mean_squared_error, r2_score
from skll.metrics import kappa
from wandb.sdk.lib import RunDisabled
from wandb.wandb_run import Run

from .configuration_parser import Configuration
from .container import DataContainer, DatasetDict
from .utils import wandb
from .utils.metrics import (
from .utils.prmse import get_true_score_evaluations

[docs] class Analyzer: """Class to perform analysis on all metrics, predictions, etc.""" def __init__(self, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None): """Initialize the Analyzer object.""" self.logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] @staticmethod def check_frame_names(data_container: DataContainer, dataframe_names: List[str]) -> None: """ Check that all specified dataframes are available. This method checks to make sure all specified DataFrames are in the given data container object. Parameters ---------- data_container : DataContainer A DataContainer object dataframe_names : List[str] The names of the DataFrames expected in the DataContainer object. Raises ------ KeyError If a given dataframe_name is not in the DataContainer object. """ for dataframe_name in dataframe_names: if dataframe_name not in data_container: raise KeyError( f"The DataFrame `{dataframe_name}` does not exist " f"in the DataContainer object." )
[docs] @staticmethod def check_param_names(configuration_obj: Configuration, parameter_names: List[str]) -> None: """ Check that all specified parameters are available. This method checks to make sure all specified parameters are in the given configuration object. Parameters ---------- configuration_obj : Configuration A configuration object parameter_names : List[str] The names of the parameters (keys) expected in the Configuration object. Raises ------ KeyError If a given parameter_name is not in the Configuration object. """ for parameter_name in parameter_names: if parameter_name not in configuration_obj: raise KeyError( f"The parameter `{parameter_name}` does not exist " f"in the Configuration object." )
[docs] @staticmethod def analyze_excluded_responses( df: pd.DataFrame, features: List[str], header: str, exclude_zero_scores: bool = True, exclude_listwise: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute statistics for responses excluded from analyses. This method computes various statistics for the responses that were excluded from analyses, either in the training set or in the test set. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the excluded responses features : List[str] List of column names containing the features to which we want to restrict the analyses. header : str String to be used as the table header for the output data frame. exclude_zero_scores : bool Whether or not the zero-score responses should be counted in the exclusion statistics. Defaults to ``True``. exclude_listwise : bool Whether or not the candidates were excluded based on minimal number of responses. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- df_full_crosstab : pandas.DataFrame Two-dimensional data frame containing the exclusion statistics. """ # create an empty output data frame df_full_crosstab = pd.DataFrame( { "all features numeric": [0, 0, 0], "non-numeric feature values": [0, 0, 0], }, index=[ "numeric non-zero human score", "zero human score", "non-numeric human score", ], ) if not df.empty: # re-code human scores into numeric, missing or zero df["score_category"] = "numeric non-zero human score" df.loc[df["sc1"].isnull(), "score_category"] = "non-numeric human score" df.loc[df["sc1"].astype(float) == 0, "score_category"] = "zero human score" # recode feature values: a response with at least one # missing feature is assigned 'non-numeric feature values' df_features_only = df[features + ["spkitemid"]] null_feature_rows = df_features_only.isnull().any(axis=1) df_null_features = df_features_only[null_feature_rows] df["feat_category"] = "all features numeric" df.loc[df["spkitemid"].isin(df_null_features["spkitemid"]), "feat_category"] = ( "non-numeric feature values" ) # crosstabulate df_crosstab = pd.crosstab(df["score_category"], df["feat_category"]) df_full_crosstab.update(df_crosstab) # convert back to integers as these are all counts df_full_crosstab = df_full_crosstab.astype(int) df_full_crosstab.insert(0, header, df_full_crosstab.index) if not exclude_listwise: # if we are not excluding listwise, set the first cell to None so # that it is not set to zero assert df_full_crosstab.loc["numeric non-zero human score", "all features numeric"] == 0 df_full_crosstab.loc["numeric non-zero human score", "all features numeric"] = None # if we are not excluding the zeros, set the corresponding cells to None # so that they are not set to zero. We do not do this for listwise exclusion if not exclude_zero_scores: assert df_full_crosstab.loc["zero human score", "all features numeric"] == 0 df_full_crosstab.loc["zero human score", "all features numeric"] = None return df_full_crosstab
[docs] @staticmethod def analyze_used_responses( df_train: pd.DataFrame, df_test: pd.DataFrame, subgroups: List[str], candidate_column: str ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute statistics for responses used in analyses. This method computes various statistics on the responses that were used in analyses, either in the training set or in the test set. Parameters ---------- df_train : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the response information for the training set. df_test : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the response information for the test set. subgroups : List[str] List of column names that contain grouping information. candidate_column : str Column name that contains candidate identification information. Returns ------- df_analysis : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing information about the used responses. """ # create a basic data frame for responses only train_responses = set(df_train["spkitemid"]) test_responses = set(df_test["spkitemid"]) rows = [ {"partition": "Training", "responses": len(train_responses)}, {"partition": "Evaluation", "responses": len(test_responses)}, { "partition": "Overlapping", "responses": len(train_responses & test_responses), }, {"partition": "Total", "responses": len(train_responses | test_responses)}, ] df_analysis = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rows) columns = ["partition", "responses"] + subgroups if candidate_column: train_candidates = set(df_train["candidate"]) test_candidates = set(df_test["candidate"]) df_analysis["candidates"] = [ len(train_candidates), len(test_candidates), len(train_candidates & test_candidates), len(train_candidates | test_candidates), ] columns = ["partition", "responses", "candidates"] + subgroups for group in subgroups: train_group = set(df_train[group]) test_group = set(df_test[group]) df_analysis[group] = [ len(train_group), len(test_group), len(train_group & test_group), len(train_group | test_group), ] df_analysis = df_analysis[columns] return df_analysis
[docs] @staticmethod def analyze_used_predictions( df_test: pd.DataFrame, subgroups: List[str], candidate_column: str ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute various statistics for predictions used in analyses. Parameters ---------- df_test : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the test set predictions. subgroups : List[str] List of column names that contain grouping information. candidate_column : str Column name that contains candidate identification information. Returns ------- df_analysis : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing information about the used predictions. """ rows = [{"partition": "Evaluation", "responses": df_test["spkitemid"].size}] df_analysis = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rows) df_columns = ["partition", "responses"] + subgroups if candidate_column: df_analysis["candidates"] = [df_test["candidate"].unique().size] df_columns = ["partition", "responses", "candidates"] + subgroups for group in subgroups: df_analysis[group] = [df_test[group].unique().size] df_analysis = df_analysis[df_columns] return df_analysis
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_basic_descriptives(df: pd.DataFrame, selected_features: List[str]) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute basic descriptive statistics for columns in the given data frame. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Input data frame containing the feature values. selected_features : List[str] List of feature names for which to compute the descriptives. Returns ------- df_desc : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing the descriptives for each of the features. """ # select only feature columns df_desc = df[selected_features] # get the H1 scores scores = df["sc1"] # compute correlations and p-values separately for efficiency cor_series = df_desc.apply(lambda s: pearsonr(s, scores)) cors = cor_series.apply(lambda t: t[0]) pvalues = cor_series.apply(lambda t: t[1]) # create a data frame with all the descriptives df_output = pd.DataFrame( { "mean": df_desc.mean(), "min": df_desc.min(), "max": df_desc.max(), "std. dev.": df_desc.std(), "skewness": df_desc.skew(), "kurtosis": df_desc.apply(lambda s: kurtosis(s, fisher=False)), "Correlation": cors, "p": pvalues, "N": len(df_desc), } ) # reorder the columns to make it look better df_output = df_output[ [ "mean", "std. dev.", "min", "max", "skewness", "kurtosis", "Correlation", "p", "N", ] ] return df_output
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_percentiles( df: pd.DataFrame, selected_features: List[str], percentiles: Optional[List[int]] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute percentiles and outliers for columns in the given data frame. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Input data frame containing the feature values. selected_features : List[str] List of feature names for which to compute the percentile descriptives. percentiles : Optional[List[int] The percentiles to calculate. If ``None``, use the percentiles {1, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 99}. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- df_output : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the percentile information for each of the features. """ # select only feature columns df_desc = df[selected_features] # compute the various percentile levels if percentiles is None: percentiles = [1, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 99] df_output = df_desc.apply( lambda series: pd.Series(np.percentile(series, percentiles, method="lower")) ) df_output = df_output.transpose() # change the column names to be more readable df_output.columns = [f"{p}%" for p in percentiles] # add the inter-quartile range column df_output["IQR"] = df_output["75%"] - df_output["25%"] # compute the various outlier statistics mild_upper = df_output["75%"] + 1.5 * df_output["IQR"] mild_bottom = df_output["25%"] - 1.5 * df_output["IQR"] extreme_upper = df_output["75%"] + 3 * df_output["IQR"] extreme_bottom = df_output["25%"] - 3 * df_output["IQR"] # compute the mild and extreme outliers num_mild_outliers = {} num_extreme_outliers = {} for c in df_desc.columns: is_extreme = (df_desc[c] <= extreme_bottom[c]) | (df_desc[c] >= extreme_upper[c]) is_mild = (df_desc[c] > extreme_bottom[c]) & (df_desc[c] <= mild_bottom[c]) is_mild = is_mild | ((df_desc[c] >= mild_upper[c]) & (df_desc[c] < extreme_upper[c])) num_mild_outliers[c] = len(df_desc[is_mild]) num_extreme_outliers[c] = len(df_desc[is_extreme]) # add those to the output data frame df_output["Mild outliers"] = pd.Series(num_mild_outliers) df_output["Extreme outliers"] = pd.Series(num_extreme_outliers) return df_output
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_outliers(df: pd.DataFrame, selected_features: List[str]) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute number and percentage of outliers for given columns. This method computes the number and percentage of outliers that lie outside the range mean +/- 4 SD for each of the given columns in the given data frame. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Input data frame containing the feature values. selected_features : List[str] List of feature names for which to compute outlier information. Returns ------- df_output : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing outlier information for each of the features. """ # select only feature columns df_desc = df[selected_features] # compute the means and standard deviations means = df_desc.mean() stds = df_desc.std() # compute the number of upper and lower outliers lower_outliers = {} upper_outliers = {} for c in df_desc.columns: lower_outliers[c] = len(df_desc[df_desc[c] < means[c] - 4 * stds[c]]) upper_outliers[c] = len(df_desc[df_desc[c] > means[c] + 4 * stds[c]]) # generate the output data frame lower_s = pd.Series(lower_outliers) upper_s = pd.Series(upper_outliers) both_s = lower_s + upper_s df_output = pd.DataFrame( { "lower": lower_s, "upper": upper_s, "both": both_s, "lowerperc": round(lower_s / len(df_desc) * 100, 2), "upperperc": round(upper_s / len(df_desc) * 100, 2), "bothperc": round(both_s / len(df_desc) * 100, 2), } ) return df_output
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_pca( df: pd.DataFrame, selected_features: List[str] ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Compute PCA decomposition of the given features. This method computes the PCA decomposition of features in the data frame, restricted to the given columns. The number of components is set to be min(n_features, n_samples). Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Input data frame containing feature values. selected_features : List[str] List of feature names to be used in the PCA decomposition. Returns ------- df_components : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the PCA components. df_variance : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the variance information. """ # restrict to the given features df_pca = df[selected_features] # fit the PCA n_components = min(len(selected_features), len(df_pca)) pca = PCA(n_components=n_components) df_components = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_) n_components = len(df_components) df_components.columns = selected_features df_components.index = [f"PC{i}" for i in range(1, n_components + 1)] df_components = df_components.transpose() # compute the variance data frame df_variance_dict = { "Eigenvalues": pca.explained_variance_, "Percentage of variance": pca.explained_variance_ratio_, "Cumulative percentage of " "variance": np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_), } df_variance = pd.DataFrame(df_variance_dict) # reorder the columns df_variance = df_variance[ [ "Eigenvalues", "Percentage of variance", "Cumulative percentage of variance", ] ] # set the row names and take the transpose df_variance.index = [f"PC{i}" for i in range(1, n_components + 1)] df_variance = df_variance.transpose() return df_components, df_variance
[docs] @staticmethod def correlation_helper( df: pd.DataFrame, target_variable: str, grouping_variable: str, include_length: bool = False ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Compute marginal and partial correlations for all columns. This helper method computes marginal and partial correlations of all the columns in the given data frame against the target variable separately for each level in the the grouping variable. If ``include_length`` is ``True``, it additionally computes partial correlations of each column in the data frame against the target variable after controlling for the "length" column. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Input data frame containing numeric feature values, the numeric `target variable` and the `grouping variable`. target_variable: str The name of the column used as a reference for computing correlations. grouping_variable: str The name of the column defining groups in the data include_length: bool If True compute additional partial correlations of each column in the data frame against `target variable` only partialling out "length" column. Returns ------- df_target_cors : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing Pearson's correlation coefficients for marginal correlations between features and `target_variable`. df_target_partcors : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing Pearson's correlation coefficients for partial correlations between each feature and `target_variable` after controlling for all other features. If ``include_length`` is set to ``True``, the "length" column will not be included in the partial correlation computation. df_target_partcors_no_length: pandas.DataFrame If ``include_length`` is set to ``True``: Data frame containing Pearson's correlation coefficients for partial correlations between each feature and ``target_variable`` after controlling for "length". Otherwise, it will be an empty data frame. """ # group by the group columns grouped = df.groupby(grouping_variable) df_target_cors = pd.DataFrame() df_target_pcorr = pd.DataFrame() df_target_pcorr_no_length = pd.DataFrame() for group, df_group in grouped: df_group = df_group.drop(grouping_variable, axis=1) # first check if we have at least 2 cases and return np.nan otherwise if len(df_group) == 1: df_target_cors[group] = pd.Series(data=np.nan, index=df_group.columns) df_target_pcorr[group] = pd.Series(data=np.nan, index=df_group.columns) df_target_pcorr_no_length[group] = pd.Series(data=np.nan, index=df_group.columns) else: # if we are asked to include length, that means 'length' is # in the data frame which means that we want to exclude that # before computing the regular marginal and partial correlations if not include_length: df_target_cors[group] = df_group.apply( lambda s: pearsonr(s, df_group[target_variable])[0] ) df_target_pcorr[group] = partial_correlations(df_group)[target_variable] else: df_group_no_length = df_group.drop("length", axis=1) partial_pearsonr = partial(pearsonr, y=df_group_no_length[target_variable]) df_target_cors[group] = df_group_no_length.apply( lambda s: partial_pearsonr(s)[0] ) df_target_pcorr[group] = partial_correlations(df_group_no_length)[ target_variable ] pcor_dict = {} columns = [c for c in df_group.columns if c not in ["sc1", "length"]] for c in columns: pcor_dict[c] = partial_correlations(df_group[[c, "sc1", "length"]])["sc1"][ c ] df_target_pcorr_no_length[group] = pd.Series(pcor_dict) # remove the row containing the correlation of the target variable # with itself and take the transpose df_target_cors = df_target_cors.drop(target_variable).transpose() df_target_pcorr = df_target_pcorr.drop(target_variable).transpose() df_target_pcorr_no_length = df_target_pcorr_no_length.transpose() return (df_target_cors, df_target_pcorr, df_target_pcorr_no_length)
[docs] @staticmethod def metrics_helper( human_scores: pd.Series, system_scores: pd.Series, population_human_score_sd: Optional[float] = None, population_system_score_sd: Optional[float] = None, population_human_score_mn: Optional[float] = None, population_system_score_mn: Optional[float] = None, smd_method: str = "unpooled", use_diff_std_means: bool = False, ) -> pd.Series: """ Compute basic association metrics between system and human scores. Parameters ---------- human_scores : pandas.Series Series containing numeric human (reference) scores. system_scores: pandas.Series Series containing numeric scores predicted by the model. population_human_score_sd : Optional[float] Reference standard deviation for human scores. This must be specified when the function is used to compute association metrics for a subset of responses, for example, responses from a particular demographic subgroup. If ``smd_method`` is set to "williamson" or "johnson", this should be the standard deviation for the whole population (in most cases, the standard deviation for the whole test set). If ``use_diff_std_means`` is ``True``, this must be the standard deviation for the whole population and ``population_human_score_mn`` must also be specified. Otherwise, it is ignored. Defaults to ``None``. population_system_score_sd : Optional[float] Reference standard deviation for system scores. This must be specified when the function is used to compute association metrics for a subset of responses, for example, responses from a particular demographic subgroup. If ``smd_method`` is set to "williamson", this should be the standard deviation for the whole population (in most cases, the standard deviation for the whole test set). If ``use_diff_std_means`` is ``True``, this must be the standard deviation for the whole population and ``population_system_score_mn`` must also be specified. Otherwise, it is ignored. Defaults to ``None``. population_human_score_mn : Optional[float] Reference mean for human scores. This must be specified when the function is used to compute association metrics for a subset of responses, for example, responses from a particular demographic subgroup. If ``use_diff_std_means`` is ``True``, this must be the mean for the whole population (in most cases, the full test set) and ``population_human_score_sd`` must also be specified. Otherwise, it is ignored. Defaults to ``None``. population_system_score_mn : Optional[float] Reference mean for system scores. This must be specified when the function is used to compute association metrics for a subset of responses, for example, responses from a particular demographic subgroup. If ``use_diff_std_means`` is ``True``, this must be the mean for the whole population (in most cases, the full test set) and ``population_system_score_sd`` must also be specified. Otherwise, it is ignored. Defaults to ``None``. smd_method : str The SMD method to use, only used if ``use_diff_std_means`` is ``False``. All methods have the same numerator mean(`y_pred`) - mean(`y_true_observed`) and the following denominators : - "williamson": pooled population standard deviation of `y_true_observed` and `y_pred` computed using ``population_human_score_sd`` and ``population_system_score_sd``. - "johnson": ``population_human_score_sd``. - "pooled": pooled standard deviation of `y_true_observed` and `y_pred` for this group. - "unpooled": standard deviation of `y_true_observed` for this group. Defaults to "unpooled". use_diff_std_means : bool Whether to use the difference of standardized means, rather than the standardized mean difference. This is most useful with subgroup analysis. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- metrics: pandas.Series Series containing different evaluation metrics comparing human and system scores. The following metrics are included: - `kappa`: unweighted Cohen's kappa - `wtkappa`: quadratic weighted kappa - `exact_agr`: exact agreement - `adj_agr`: adjacent agreement with tolerance set to 1 - One of the following : * `SMD`: standardized mean difference, if ``use_diff_std_means`` is ``False``. * `DSM`: difference of standardized means, if ``use_diff_std_means`` is ``True``. - `corr`: Pearson's r - `R2`: r squared - `RMSE`: root mean square error - `sys_min`: min system score - `sys_max`: max system score - `sys_mean`: mean system score (ddof=1) - `sys_sd`: standard deviation of system scores (ddof=1) - `h_min`: min human score - `h_max`: max human score - `h_mean`: mean human score (ddof=1) - `h_sd`: standard deviation of human scores (ddof=1) - `N`: total number of responses """ # compute the kappas unweighted_kappa = kappa(human_scores, system_scores) weighted_kappa = quadratic_weighted_kappa(human_scores, system_scores) # compute the agreement statistics human_system_agreement = agreement(human_scores, system_scores) human_system_adjacent_agreement = agreement(human_scores, system_scores, tolerance=1) # compute the Pearson correlation after removing # any cases where either of the scores are NaNs. df = pd.DataFrame({"human": human_scores, "system": system_scores}).dropna(how="any") if len(df) == 1 or len(df["human"].unique()) == 1 or len(df["system"].unique()) == 1: # set correlations to 1 if we have a single instance or zero variance correlations = np.nan else: correlations = pearsonr(df["human"], df["system"])[0] # compute the min/max/mean/std. dev. for the system and human scores min_system_score = np.min(system_scores) min_human_score = np.min(human_scores) max_system_score = np.max(system_scores) max_human_score = np.max(human_scores) mean_system_score = np.mean(system_scores) mean_human_score = np.mean(human_scores) system_score_sd = np.std(system_scores, ddof=1) human_score_sd = np.std(human_scores, ddof=1) if use_diff_std_means: # calculate the difference of standardized means smd_name = "DSM" smd = difference_of_standardized_means( human_scores, system_scores, population_human_score_mn, population_system_score_mn, population_human_score_sd, population_system_score_sd, ) else: # calculate the standardized mean difference smd_name = "SMD" smd = standardized_mean_difference( human_scores, system_scores, population_human_score_sd, population_system_score_sd, method=smd_method, ) # compute r2 if len(df) == 1: r2 = np.nan else: r2 = r2_score(human_scores, system_scores) # compute MSE mse = mean_squared_error(human_scores, system_scores) rmse = np.sqrt(mse) # return everything as a series metrics = pd.Series( { "kappa": unweighted_kappa, "wtkappa": weighted_kappa, "exact_agr": human_system_agreement, "adj_agr": human_system_adjacent_agreement, smd_name: smd, "corr": correlations, "R2": r2, "RMSE": rmse, "sys_min": min_system_score, "sys_max": max_system_score, "sys_mean": mean_system_score, "sys_sd": system_score_sd, "h_min": min_human_score, "h_max": max_human_score, "h_mean": mean_human_score, "h_sd": human_score_sd, "N": len(system_scores), } ) return metrics
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_disattenuated_correlations( human_system_corr: pd.Series, human_human_corr: pd.Series ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute disattenuated correlations between human and system scores. These are computed as the Pearson's correlation between the human score and the system score divided by the square root of correlation between two human raters. Parameters ---------- human_system_corr : pandas.Series Series containing of pearson's correlation coefficients human-system correlations. human_human_corr : pandas.Series Series containing of pearson's correlation coefficients for human-human correlations. This can contain a single value or have the index matching that of human-system correlations. Returns ------- df_correlations: pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the human-system correlations, human-human correlations, and disattenuated correlations. """ # if we only have a single value for human correlation and the index # is not in human-system values, we use the same HH value in all cases if len(human_human_corr) == 1 and human_human_corr.index[0] not in human_system_corr.index: human_human_corr = pd.Series( human_human_corr.values.repeat(len(human_system_corr)), index=human_system_corr.index, ) # we now concatenate the two series on index df_correlations = pd.concat( [human_system_corr, human_human_corr], axis=1, sort=True, keys=["corr_HM", "corr_HH"], ) # if any of the HH correlations are negative, we will ignore these # and treat them as Nones with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): df_correlations["sqrt_HH"] = np.sqrt(df_correlations["corr_HH"]) df_correlations["corr_disattenuated"] = ( df_correlations["corr_HM"] / df_correlations["sqrt_HH"] ) return df_correlations
[docs] def compute_correlations_by_group( self, df: pd.DataFrame, selected_features: List[str], target_variable: str, grouping_variable: str, include_length: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Compute marginal and partial correlations against target variable. This method computes various marginal and partial correlations of the given columns in the given data frame against the target variable for all data and for each level of the grouping variable. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Input data frame. selected_features : List[str] List of feature names for which to compute the correlations. target_variable : str Feature name indicating the target variable i.e., the dependent variable grouping_variable : str Feature name that contain the grouping information include_length : bool Whether or not to include the length when computing the partial correlations. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- df_target_cors : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing Pearson's correlation coefficients for marginal correlations between features and `target_variable`. df_target_partcors : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing Pearson's correlation coefficients for partial correlations between each feature and `target_variable` after controlling for all other features. If ``include_length`` is set to ``True``, the "length" column will not be included in the partial correlation computation. df_target_partcors_no_length: pandas.DataFrame If ``include_length`` is set to ``True``: Data frame containing Pearson's correlation coefficients for partial correlations between each feature and ``target_variable`` after controlling for "length". Otherwise, it will be an empty data frame. """ df_desc = df.copy() columns = selected_features + [target_variable, grouping_variable] if include_length: columns.append("length") df_desc = df_desc[columns] # create a duplicate data frame to compute correlations # over the whole data, i.e., across all grouping variables df_desc_all = df_desc.copy() df_desc_all[grouping_variable] = "All data" # combine the two data frames df_desc_combined = pd.concat([df_desc, df_desc_all], sort=True) df_desc_combined.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # compute the various (marginal and partial) correlations with score return self.correlation_helper( df_desc_combined, target_variable, grouping_variable, include_length=include_length, )
[docs] def filter_metrics( self, df_metrics: pd.DataFrame, use_scaled_predictions: bool = False, chosen_metric_dict: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Filter data frame to retain only the given metrics. This method filters the data frame ``df_metrics`` -- containing all of the metric values by all score types (raw, raw_trim etc.) -- to retain only the metrics as defined in the given dictionary ``chosen_metric_dict``. This dictionary maps score types ("raw", "scale", "raw_trim" etc.) to metric names. The available metric names are: - "corr" - "kappa" - "wtkappa" - "exact_agr" - "adj_agr" - "SMD" or "DSM", depending on what is in ``df_metrics``. - "RMSE" - "R2" - "sys_min" - "sys_max" - "sys_mean" - "sys_sd" - "h_min" - "h_max" - "h_mean" - "h_sd" - "N" Parameters ---------- df_metrics : pandas.DataFrame The DataFrame to filter. use_scaled_predictions : bool Whether to use scaled predictions. Defaults to ``False``. chosen_metric_dict : Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] The dictionary mapping each score type to the metrics that should be computed for it. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- df_filtered_metrics : pandas.DataFrame The filtered DataFrame. Note ---- The last five metrics will be the `same` for all score types. If ``chosen_metric_dict`` is not specified, the following default dictionary with the recommended metrics is used:: {"X_trim": ["N", "h_mean", "h_sd", "sys_mean", "sys_sd", "wtkappa", "corr", "RMSE", "R2", "SMD"], "X_trim_round": ["sys_mean", "sys_sd", "kappa", "exact_agr", "adj_agr", "SMD"]} where X = "raw" or "scale" depending on whether ``use_scaled_predictions`` is ``False`` or ``True``, respectively. """ # do we want the raw or the scaled metrics score_prefix = "scale" if use_scaled_predictions else "raw" # what metrics are we choosing to include? if chosen_metric_dict: chosen_metrics = chosen_metric_dict else: smd_name = "DSM" if "DSM" in df_metrics else "SMD" chosen_metrics = { f"{score_prefix}_trim": [ "N", "h_mean", "h_sd", "sys_mean", "sys_sd", "wtkappa", "corr", smd_name, "RMSE", "R2", ], f"{score_prefix}_trim_round": [ "sys_mean", "sys_sd", "kappa", "exact_agr", "adj_agr", smd_name, ], } # extract the metrics we need from the given metrics frame metricdict = {} for score_type in chosen_metrics: for metric in chosen_metrics[score_type]: colname = metric if metric in ["h_mean", "h_sd", "N"] else f"{metric}.{score_type}" values = df_metrics[metric][score_type] metricdict[colname] = values df_filtered_metrics = pd.DataFrame([metricdict]) return df_filtered_metrics
[docs] def compute_metrics( self, df: pd.DataFrame, compute_shortened: bool = False, use_scaled_predictions: bool = False, include_second_score: bool = False, population_sd_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[float]]] = None, population_mn_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[float]]] = None, smd_method: str = "unpooled", use_diff_std_means: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Compute association metrics for scores in the given data frame. This function compute association metrics for all score types. If ``include_second_score`` is ``True``, then it is assumed that a column called `sc2` containing a second human score is available and it should be used to compute the human-human evaluation stats and the performance degradation statistics. If ``compute_shortened`` is ``True``, then this function also computes a shortened version of the full human-system metrics data frame. See ``filter_metrics()`` for the description of the default columns included in the shortened data frame. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Input data frame compute_shortened : bool Also compute a shortened version of the full metrics data frame. Defaults to ``False``. use_scaled_predictions : bool Use evaluations based on scaled predictions in the shortened version of the metrics data frame. Defaults to ``False``. include_second_score : bool Second human score available. Defaults to ``False``. population_sd_dict : Optional[Dict[str, Optional[float, None]]] Dictionary containing population standard deviation for each column containing human or system scores. This is used to compute SMD for subgroups. If ``None``, a dummy dictionary is created that sets the standard deviation for all columns to ``None``. Defaults to ``None``. population_mn_dict : Optional[Dict[str, Optional[float]]] Dictionary containing population mean for each column containing human or system scores. This is used to compute SMD for subgroups. If ``None``, a dummy dictionary is created that sets the standard deviation for all columns to ``None``. Defaults to ``None``. smd_method : str The SMD method to use, only used if ``use_diff_std_means`` is ``False``. All methods have the same numerator mean(`y_pred`) - mean(`y_true_observed`) and the following denominators: - "williamson": pooled population standard deviation of human and system scores computed based on values in ``population_sd_dict``. - "johnson": population standard deviation of human scores computed based on values in ``population_sd_dict``. - "pooled": pooled standard deviation of `y_true_observed` and `y_pred` for this group. - "unpooled": standard deviation of `y_true_observed` for this group. Defaults to "unpooled". use_diff_std_means : bool Whether to use the difference of standardized means, rather than the standardized mean difference. This is most useful with subgroup analysis. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- df_human_system_eval : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the full set of evaluation metrics. df_human_system_eval_filtered : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the human-human statistics but is empty if ``include_second_score`` is ``False``. df_human_human_eval : pandas.DataFrame A shortened version of the first data frame but is empty if ``compute_shortened`` is ``False``. """ # shorter variable name is easier to work with use_scaled = use_scaled_predictions # are we using DSM or SMD? smd_name = "DSM" if use_diff_std_means else "SMD" # get the population standard deviations for SMD if none were supplied if not population_sd_dict: population_sd_dict = {col: None for col in df.columns} # get the population standard deviations for SMD if none were supplied if not population_mn_dict: population_mn_dict = {col: None for col in df.columns} # if the second human score column is available, the values are # probably not available for all of the responses in the test # set and so we want to exclude 'sc2' from human-system metrics # computation. In addition, we also want to compute the human-human # metrics only on the data that is double scored. df_human_human = pd.DataFrame() if include_second_score: df_single = df.drop("sc2", axis=1) df_human_system = df_single.apply( lambda s: self.metrics_helper( df_single["sc1"], s, population_sd_dict["sc1"], population_sd_dict[], population_mn_dict["sc1"], population_mn_dict[], smd_method, use_diff_std_means, ) ) df_double = df[df["sc2"].notnull()][["sc1", "sc2"]] df_human_human = df_double.apply( lambda s: self.metrics_helper( df_double["sc1"], s, population_sd_dict["sc1"], population_sd_dict[], population_mn_dict["sc1"], population_mn_dict[], "pooled", use_diff_std_means, ) ) # drop the sc1 column from the human-human agreement frame df_human_human = df_human_human.drop("sc1", axis=1) # sort the rows in the correct order df_human_human = df_human_human.reindex( [ "N", "h_mean", "h_sd", "h_min", "h_max", "sys_mean", "sys_sd", "sys_min", "sys_max", "corr", "wtkappa", "R2", "kappa", "exact_agr", "adj_agr", smd_name, "RMSE", ] ) # rename `h_*` -> `h1_*` and `sys_*` -> `h2_*` df_human_human.rename( lambda c: c.replace("h_", "h1_").replace("sys_", "h2_"), inplace=True ) # drop RMSE and R2 because they are not meaningful for human raters df_human_human.drop(["R2", "RMSE"], inplace=True) df_human_human = df_human_human.transpose() # convert N to integer if it's not empty else set to 0 try: df_human_human["N"] = df_human_human["N"].astype(int) except ValueError: df_human_human["N"] = 0 df_human_human.index = [""] else: df_human_system = df.apply( lambda s: self.metrics_helper( df["sc1"], s, population_sd_dict["sc1"], population_sd_dict[], population_mn_dict["sc1"], population_mn_dict[], smd_method, use_diff_std_means, ) ) # drop 'sc1' column from the human-system frame and transpose df_human_system = df_human_system.drop("sc1", axis=1) df_human_system = df_human_system.transpose() # sort the columns and rows in the correct order df_human_system = df_human_system[ [ "N", "h_mean", "h_sd", "h_min", "h_max", "sys_mean", "sys_sd", "sys_min", "sys_max", "corr", "wtkappa", "R2", "kappa", "exact_agr", "adj_agr", smd_name, "RMSE", ] ] # make N column an integer if it's not NaN else set it to 0 df_human_system["N"] = df_human_system["N"].astype(int) all_rows_order = [ "raw", "raw_trim", "raw_trim_round", "scale", "scale_trim", "scale_trim_round", ] existing_rows_index = [row for row in all_rows_order if row in df_human_system.index] df_human_system = df_human_system.reindex(existing_rows_index) # extract some default metrics for a shorter version of this data frame # if we were asked to do so if compute_shortened: df_human_system_filtered = self.filter_metrics( df_human_system, use_scaled_predictions=use_scaled ) else: df_human_system_filtered = pd.DataFrame() # return all data frames return (df_human_system, df_human_system_filtered, df_human_human)
[docs] def compute_metrics_by_group( self, df_test: pd.DataFrame, grouping_variable: str, use_scaled_predictions: bool = False, include_second_score: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Compute a subset of evaluation metrics by subgroups. This method computes a subset of evalution metrics for the scores in the given data frame by group specified in ``grouping_variable``. See ``filter_metrics()`` above for a description of the subset that is selected. Parameters ---------- df_test : pandas.DataFrame Input data frame. grouping_variable : str Feature name indicating the column that contains grouping information. use_scaled_predictions : bool Include scaled predictions when computing the evaluation metrics. Defaults to ``False``. include_second_score : bool Include human-human association statistics. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- df_human_system_by_group : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the correlation human-system association statistics. df_human_human_by_group : pandas.DataFrame Data frame that either contains the human-human statistics or is an empty data frame, depending on whether ``include_second_score`` is `True``. """ # get the population standard deviation that we will need to compute SMD for all columns # other than id and subgroup population_sd_dict = { col: df_test[col].std(ddof=1) for col in df_test.columns if col not in ["spkitemid", grouping_variable] } population_mn_dict = { col: df_test[col].mean() for col in df_test.columns if col not in ["spkitemid", grouping_variable] } # check if any of the standard deviations is zero and # tell user to expect to see many warnings. zero_sd_scores = [ score for (score, sd) in population_sd_dict.items() if np.isclose(sd, 0, atol=1e-07) ] if len(zero_sd_scores) > 0: warnings.warn( f"The standard deviation for {', '.join(zero_sd_scores)} " f"scores is zero (all values are the same). You will see " f"multiple warnings about DSM computation since this metric " f"is computed separately for each subgroup." ) # create a duplicate data frame to compute evaluations # over the whole data, i.e., across groups df_preds_all = df_test.copy() df_preds_all[grouping_variable] = "All data" # combine the two data frames df_preds_combined = pd.concat([df_test, df_preds_all], sort=True) df_preds_combined.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # group by the grouping_variable columns grouped = df_preds_combined.groupby(grouping_variable) df_human_system_by_group = pd.DataFrame() df_human_human_by_group = pd.DataFrame() for group, df_group in grouped: df_group = df_group.drop(grouping_variable, axis=1) ( df_human_system_metrics, df_human_system_metrics_short, df_human_human_metrics, ) = self.compute_metrics( df_group, compute_shortened=True, use_scaled_predictions=use_scaled_predictions, include_second_score=include_second_score, population_sd_dict=population_sd_dict, population_mn_dict=population_mn_dict, use_diff_std_means=True, ) # we need to convert the shortened data frame to a series here df_human_system_by_group[group] = df_human_system_metrics_short.iloc[0] # update the by group human-human metrics frame if # we have the second score column available if include_second_score: df_human_human_metrics.index = [group] df_human_human_by_group = pd.concat( [df_human_human_by_group, df_human_human_metrics] ) # transpose the by group human-system metrics frame df_human_system_by_group = df_human_system_by_group.transpose() return (df_human_system_by_group, df_human_human_by_group)
[docs] def compute_degradation_and_disattenuated_correlations( self, df: pd.DataFrame, use_all_responses: bool = True ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Compute the degradation in performance when using system score. This method computes the degradation in performance when using the system to predict the score instead of a second human and also the disattenuated correlations between human and system scores. These are computed as the Pearson's correlation between the human score and the system score divided by the square root of correlation between two human raters. For this, we can compute the system performance either only on the double scored data or on the full dataset. Both options have their pros and cons. The default is to use the full dataset. This function also assumes that the `sc2` column exists in the given data frame, in addition to `sc1` and the various types of predictions. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Input data frame. use_all_responses : bool Use the full data set instead of only using the double-scored subset. Defaults to ``True``. Returns ------- df_degradation : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the degradation statistics. df_correlations : pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the human-system correlations, human-human correlations and disattenuated correlation. """ if use_all_responses: df_responses = df else: # use only double scored data df_responses = df[df["sc2"].notnull()] # compute the human-system and human-human metrics (df_human_system_eval, _, df_human_human_eval) = self.compute_metrics( df_responses, include_second_score=True ) # compute disattenuated correlations df_correlations = self.compute_disattenuated_correlations( df_human_system_eval["corr"], df_human_human_eval["corr"] ) # Compute degradation. we only care about the degradation in these metrics degradation_metrics = [ "corr", "kappa", "wtkappa", "exact_agr", "adj_agr", "SMD", ] df_human_system_eval = df_human_system_eval[degradation_metrics] df_human_human_eval = df_human_human_eval[degradation_metrics] df_degradation = df_human_system_eval.apply( lambda row: row - df_human_human_eval.loc[""], axis=1 ) return (df_degradation, df_correlations)
[docs] def run_training_analyses( self, data_container: DataContainer, configuration: Configuration ) -> Tuple[Configuration, DataContainer]: """ Run all analyses on the training data. Parameters ---------- data_container : DataContainer The DataContainer object which must include the following DataFrames: {"train_features", "train_metadata", "train_preprocessed_features", "train_length", "train_features"}. configuration : Configuration The Configuration object which must include the following parameters (keys): {"length_column", "subgroups", "selected_features"}. Returns ------- configuration : Configuration The input Configuration object that is passed through unmodified. data_container : DataContainer A new DataContainer object with the following DataFrames: - feature_descriptives - feature_descriptivesExtra - feature_outliers - cors_orig - cors_processed - margcor_score_all_data - pcor_score_all_data - pcor_score_no_length_all_data - margcor_length_all_data - pcor_length_all_data - pca - pcavar - margcor_length_by_* - pcor_length_by_* - margcor_score_by_* - pcor_score_by_* - pcor_score_no_length_by_* """ frame_names = [ "train_features", "train_metadata", "train_preprocessed_features", "train_length", "train_features", ] param_names = ["length_column", "subgroups", "selected_features"] self.check_frame_names(data_container, frame_names) self.check_param_names(configuration, param_names) # only use the features selected by the model but keep their order the same # as in the original file as ordering may affect the sign in pca df_train = data_container["train_features"].copy() df_train_length = data_container["train_length"].copy() df_train_metadata = data_container["train_metadata"].copy() df_train_preprocessed_features = data_container["train_preprocessed_features"].copy() subgroups = configuration["subgroups"] selected_features = configuration["selected_features"] df_train_preprocessed = pd.merge( df_train_preprocessed_features, df_train_metadata, on="spkitemid" ) assert ( len(df_train_preprocessed.index) == len(df_train_preprocessed_features.index) == len(df_train_metadata.index) ) # get descriptives, percentiles and outliers for the original feature values df_descriptives = self.compute_basic_descriptives(df_train, selected_features) df_percentiles = self.compute_percentiles(df_train, selected_features) df_outliers = self.compute_outliers(df_train, selected_features) # set a general boolean flag indicating if we should include length include_length = not df_train_length.empty # include length if available if include_length: columns = selected_features + ["sc1", "length"] df_train_with_length = df_train.merge(df_train_length, on="spkitemid") df_train_preprocess_length = df_train_preprocessed.merge( df_train_length, on="spkitemid" ) else: columns = selected_features + ["sc1"] df_train_with_length = df_train df_train_preprocess_length = df_train_preprocessed # get pairwise correlations against the original training features # as well as the pre-processed training features df_pairwise_cors_orig = df_train_with_length[columns].corr(method="pearson") df_pairwise_cors_preprocess = df_train_preprocess_length[columns].corr(method="pearson") # get marginal and partial correlations against sc1 for all data # for partial correlations, we partial out all other features df_train_with_group_for_all = df_train_preprocess_length.copy() df_train_with_group_for_all = df_train_with_group_for_all[columns] df_train_with_group_for_all["all_data"] = "All data" (df_margcor_sc1, df_pcor_sc1, df_pcor_sc1_no_length) = self.correlation_helper( df_train_with_group_for_all, "sc1", "all_data", include_length=include_length, ) # get marginal and partial correlations against length for all data # if the length column is available df_margcor_length = pd.DataFrame() df_pcor_length = pd.DataFrame() if include_length: df_train_with_group_for_all = df_train_preprocess_length.copy() columns = selected_features + ["length"] df_train_with_group_for_all = df_train_with_group_for_all[columns] df_train_with_group_for_all["all_data"] = "All data" (df_margcor_length, df_pcor_length, _) = self.correlation_helper( df_train_with_group_for_all, "length", "all_data" ) # get marginal and partial correlations against sc1 by group (preprocessed features) # also include partial correlations with length if length is available score_corr_by_group_dict = {} include_length = "length" in df_train_preprocess_length for grouping_variable in subgroups: corr_by_group = self.compute_correlations_by_group( df_train_preprocess_length, selected_features, "sc1", grouping_variable, include_length=include_length, ) score_corr_by_group_dict[grouping_variable] = corr_by_group # get marginal and partial correlations against sc1 by group (preprocessed features) length_corr_by_group_dict = {} if include_length: for grouping_variable in subgroups: corr_by_group = self.compute_correlations_by_group( df_train_preprocess_length, selected_features, "length", grouping_variable, ) length_corr_by_group_dict[grouping_variable] = corr_by_group # get PCA information df_pca_components, df_pca_variance = self.compute_pca( df_train_preprocessed, selected_features ) # Datasets to add datasets = [ DatasetDict({"name": "feature_descriptives", "frame": df_descriptives}), DatasetDict({"name": "feature_descriptivesExtra", "frame": df_percentiles}), DatasetDict({"name": "feature_outliers", "frame": df_outliers}), DatasetDict({"name": "cors_orig", "frame": df_pairwise_cors_orig}), DatasetDict({"name": "cors_processed", "frame": df_pairwise_cors_preprocess}), DatasetDict({"name": "margcor_score_all_data", "frame": df_margcor_sc1}), DatasetDict({"name": "pcor_score_all_data", "frame": df_pcor_sc1}), DatasetDict({"name": "pcor_score_no_length_all_data", "frame": df_pcor_sc1_no_length}), DatasetDict({"name": "margcor_length_all_data", "frame": df_margcor_length}), DatasetDict({"name": "pcor_length_all_data", "frame": df_pcor_length}), DatasetDict({"name": "pca", "frame": df_pca_components}), DatasetDict({"name": "pcavar", "frame": df_pca_variance}), ] # Add length correlation by group datasets for group in length_corr_by_group_dict: (length_marg_cors, length_part_cors, _) = length_corr_by_group_dict.get( group, (pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame()) ) datasets.extend( [ DatasetDict({"name": f"margcor_length_by_{group}", "frame": length_marg_cors}), DatasetDict({"name": f"pcor_length_by_{group}", "frame": length_part_cors}), ] ) # Add score correlations by group datasets for group in score_corr_by_group_dict: ( sc1_marg_cors, sc1_part_cors, sc1_part_cors_no_length, ) = score_corr_by_group_dict[group] datasets.extend( [ DatasetDict({"name": f"margcor_score_by_{group}", "frame": sc1_marg_cors}), DatasetDict({"name": f"pcor_score_by_{group}", "frame": sc1_part_cors}), DatasetDict( { "name": f"pcor_score_no_length_by_{group}", "frame": sc1_part_cors_no_length, } ), ] ) return configuration, DataContainer(datasets=datasets)
[docs] def run_prediction_analyses( self, data_container: DataContainer, configuration: Configuration, wandb_run: Union[Run, RunDisabled, None] = None, ) -> Tuple[Configuration, DataContainer]: """ Run all analyses on the system scores (predictions). Parameters ---------- data_container : DataContainer The DataContainer object which must include the following DataFrames: {"train_features", "train_metadata", "train_preprocessed_features", "train_length", "train_features"}. configuration : Configuration The Configuration object which must include the following parameters (keys): {"subgroups", "second_human_score_column", "use_scaled_predictions"}. wandb_run : Union[wandb.wandb_run.Run, wandb.sdk.lib.RunDisabled, None] The wandb run object if wandb is enabled, ``None`` otherwise. If enabled, all the output data frames will be logged to this run as tables. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- configuration : Configuration The input Configuration object that is passed through unmodified. data_container : DataContainer A new DataContainer object with the following DataFrames: - eval - eval_short - consistency - degradation - disattenudated_correlations - confMatrix - confMatrix_h1h2 - score_dist - eval_by_* - consistency_by_* - disattenduated_correlations_by_* - true_score_eval """ frame_names = ["pred_test", "test_metadata", "test_human_scores"] param_names = [ "subgroups", "second_human_score_column", "use_scaled_predictions", ] self.check_frame_names(data_container, frame_names) self.check_param_names(configuration, param_names) df_test = data_container["pred_test"].copy() df_test_metadata = data_container["test_metadata"].copy() df_test_human_scores = data_container["test_human_scores"].copy() subgroups = configuration["subgroups"] use_scaled_predictions = configuration["use_scaled_predictions"] df_preds = pd.merge(df_test, df_test_metadata, on="spkitemid") assert len(df_preds.index) == len(df_test.index) == len(df_test_metadata.index) # set a general boolean flag indicating if # we should include the second human score include_second_score = not df_test_human_scores.empty # extract the columns that contain predictions prediction_columns = [column for column in df_test if column != "spkitemid"] # if a second score is available, use it if include_second_score: prediction_columns.append("sc2") df_preds_second_score = df_preds.merge( df_test_human_scores[["spkitemid", "sc2"]], on="spkitemid" ) else: df_preds_second_score = df_preds # compute the evaluation metrics over the whole data set (df_human_system, df_human_system_short, df_human_human) = self.compute_metrics( df_preds_second_score[prediction_columns], compute_shortened=True, use_scaled_predictions=use_scaled_predictions, include_second_score=include_second_score, ) # compute the evaluation metrics by group eval_by_group_dict = {} for group in subgroups: group_columns = prediction_columns + [group] metrics = self.compute_metrics_by_group( df_preds_second_score[group_columns], group, use_scaled_predictions=use_scaled_predictions, include_second_score=include_second_score, ) eval_by_group_dict[group] = metrics # compute the degradation statistics and disattenuated correlations # if we have the second human score available df_degradation = pd.DataFrame() df_correlations = pd.DataFrame() if include_second_score: ( df_degradation, df_correlations, ) = self.compute_degradation_and_disattenuated_correlations( df_preds_second_score[prediction_columns] ) # the following two evaluations require rounded human scores # we create a column for this df_preds["sc1_round"] = np.round(df_preds["sc1"]) # compute the confusion matrix as a data frame score_type = "scale" if use_scaled_predictions else "raw" human_scores = df_preds["sc1_round"].astype("int64") system_scores = df_preds[f"{score_type}_trim_round"].astype("int64") conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(human_scores, system_scores) labels = sorted(pd.concat([human_scores, system_scores]).unique()) df_confmatrix = pd.DataFrame(conf_matrix, index=labels, columns=labels) # log confusion matrix to W&B wandb.log_confusion_matrix( wandb_run, human_scores, system_scores, "Human-System Confusion Matrix", configuration.context, ) # compute the score distributions of the rounded human and system scores df_score_dist = df_preds[["sc1_round", f"{score_type}_trim_round"]].apply( lambda s: s.value_counts() / len(df_test) * 100 ) # compute a human1-human2 confusion matrix, if possible if include_second_score: df_preds_second_score_double_scored = df_preds_second_score.copy().dropna( subset=["sc1", "sc2"] ) human1_scores = df_preds_second_score_double_scored["sc1"].round().astype("int64") human2_scores = df_preds_second_score_double_scored["sc2"].round().astype("int64") conf_matrix_h1h2 = confusion_matrix(human1_scores, human2_scores) labels = sorted(pd.concat([human1_scores, human2_scores]).unique()) df_confmatrix_h1h2 = pd.DataFrame(conf_matrix_h1h2, index=labels, columns=labels) wandb.log_confusion_matrix( wandb_run, human1_scores, human2_scores, "Human1-Human2 Confusion Matrix", configuration.context, ) # Replace any NaNs, which we might get because our model never # predicts a particular score label, with zeros. df_score_dist.fillna(0, inplace=True) df_score_dist.columns = ["human", f"sys_{score_type}"] df_score_dist["difference"] = df_score_dist[f"sys_{score_type}"] - df_score_dist["human"] df_score_dist["score"] = df_score_dist.index df_score_dist = df_score_dist[["score", "human", f"sys_{score_type}", "difference"]] df_score_dist.sort_values(by="score", inplace=True) datasets: List[DatasetDict] = [ {"name": "eval", "frame": df_human_system}, {"name": "eval_short", "frame": df_human_system_short}, {"name": "consistency", "frame": df_human_human}, {"name": "degradation", "frame": df_degradation}, {"name": "disattenuated_correlations", "frame": df_correlations}, {"name": "confMatrix", "frame": df_confmatrix}, {"name": "score_dist", "frame": df_score_dist}, ] # compute true-score analyses if we have second score # or have been given rater error variance rater_error_variance = configuration.get_rater_error_variance() if include_second_score or rater_error_variance is not None: system_score_columns = [col for col in prediction_columns if col not in ["sc1", "sc2"]] human_score_columns = [col for col in prediction_columns if col in ["sc1", "sc2"]] df_prmse = get_true_score_evaluations( df_preds_second_score, system_score_columns, human_score_columns, rater_error_variance, ) datasets.extend([{"name": "true_score_eval", "frame": df_prmse}]) if include_second_score: datasets.extend([{"name": "confMatrix_h1h2", "frame": df_confmatrix_h1h2}]) for group in eval_by_group_dict: eval_by_group, consistency_by_group = eval_by_group_dict[group] # compute disattenuated correlations if we have the second human score if include_second_score: dis_corr_by_group = self.compute_disattenuated_correlations( eval_by_group[f"corr.{score_type}_trim"], consistency_by_group["corr"], ) else: dis_corr_by_group = pd.DataFrame() datasets.extend( [ {"name": f"eval_by_{group}", "frame": eval_by_group}, {"name": f"consistency_by_{group}", "frame": consistency_by_group}, { "name": f"disattenuated_correlations_by_{group}", "frame": dis_corr_by_group, }, ] ) return configuration, DataContainer(datasets=datasets)
[docs] def run_data_composition_analyses_for_rsmtool( self, data_container: DataContainer, configuration: Configuration ) -> Tuple[Configuration, DataContainer]: """ Run all data composition analyses for RSMTool. Parameters ---------- data_container : DataContainer The DataContainer object which must include the following DataFrames: {"test_metadata", "train_metadata","train_excluded", "test_excluded", "train_features"}. configuration : Configuration The Configuration object which must include the following parameters (keys): {"subgroups", "candidate_column", "exclude_zero_scores", "exclude_listwise"}. Returns ------- configuration : Configuration The input Configuration object that is passed through unmodified. data_container : DataContainer A new DataContainer object with the following DataFrames: - test_excluded_composition - train_excluded_composition - data_composition - data_composition_by_* """ frame_names = [ "train_metadata", "test_metadata", "train_excluded", "test_excluded", "train_features", ] param_names = [ "candidate_column", "subgroups", "exclude_zero_scores", "exclude_listwise", ] self.check_frame_names(data_container, frame_names) self.check_param_names(configuration, param_names) features = [ column for column in data_container["train_features"].columns if column not in ["spkitemid", "sc1"] ] exclude_scores = configuration["exclude_zero_scores"] exclude_listwise = configuration["exclude_listwise"] subgroups = configuration["subgroups"] candidate_column = configuration["candidate_column"] df_train_excluded = self.analyze_excluded_responses( data_container["train_excluded"], features, "Score/Features", exclude_zero_scores=exclude_scores, exclude_listwise=exclude_listwise, ) df_test_excluded = self.analyze_excluded_responses( data_container["test_excluded"], features, "Score/Features", exclude_zero_scores=exclude_scores, exclude_listwise=exclude_listwise, ) df_data_composition = self.analyze_used_responses( data_container["train_metadata"], data_container["test_metadata"], subgroups, candidate_column, ) # do the analysis by subgroups # first create a joint data frame with both sets df_train_metadata_with_set = data_container["train_metadata"].copy() df_test_metadata_with_set = data_container["test_metadata"].copy() df_train_metadata_with_set["set"] = "Training set" df_test_metadata_with_set["set"] = "Evaluation set" df_both_metadata = pd.merge( df_train_metadata_with_set, df_test_metadata_with_set, how="outer" ) # create contingency table for each subgroup data_composition_by_group_dict = {} for grouping_variable in subgroups: df_crosstab_group = pd.crosstab( df_both_metadata[grouping_variable], df_both_metadata["set"] ) df_crosstab_group = df_crosstab_group[["Training set", "Evaluation set"]] df_crosstab_group.insert(0, grouping_variable, df_crosstab_group.index) data_composition_by_group_dict[grouping_variable] = df_crosstab_group datasets: List[DatasetDict] = [ DatasetDict({"name": "test_excluded_composition", "frame": df_test_excluded}), DatasetDict({"name": "train_excluded_composition", "frame": df_train_excluded}), DatasetDict({"name": "data_composition", "frame": df_data_composition}), ] for group in data_composition_by_group_dict: datasets.append( DatasetDict( { "name": f"data_composition_by_{group}", "frame": data_composition_by_group_dict[group], } ) ) return configuration, DataContainer(datasets=datasets)
[docs] def run_data_composition_analyses_for_rsmeval( self, data_container: DataContainer, configuration: Configuration ) -> Tuple[Configuration, DataContainer]: """ Run all data composition analyses for RSMEval. Parameters ---------- data_container : DataContainer The DataContainer object which must include the following DataFrames: {"test_metadata", "test_excluded"}. configuration : Configuration The Configuration object which must include the following parameters (keys): {"subgroups", "candidate_column", "exclude_zero_scores", "exclude_listwise"}. Returns ------- configuration : Configuration The input Configuration object that is passed through unmodified. data_container : DataContainer A new DataContainer object with the following DataFrames: - test_excluded_composition - data_composition - data_composition_by_* """ frame_names = ["test_metadata", "test_excluded"] param_names = [ "candidate_column", "subgroups", "exclude_zero_scores", "exclude_listwise", ] self.check_frame_names(data_container, frame_names) self.check_param_names(configuration, param_names) exclude_scores = configuration["exclude_zero_scores"] exclude_listwise = configuration["exclude_listwise"] subgroups = configuration["subgroups"] candidate_column = configuration["candidate_column"] # analyze excluded responses df_test_excluded = self.analyze_excluded_responses( data_container["test_excluded"], ["raw"], "Human/System", exclude_zero_scores=exclude_scores, exclude_listwise=exclude_listwise, ) # rename the columns and index in the analysis data frame df_test_excluded.rename( columns={ "all features numeric": "numeric system score", "non-numeric feature values": "non-numeric system score", }, inplace=True, ) df_data_composition = self.analyze_used_predictions( data_container["test_metadata"], subgroups, candidate_column ) # create contingency table for each group data_composition_by_group_dict = {} for grouping_variable in subgroups: series_crosstab_group = pd.pivot_table( data_container["test_metadata"], values="spkitemid", index=[grouping_variable], aggfunc=len, ) df_crosstab_group = pd.DataFrame(series_crosstab_group) df_crosstab_group.insert(0, grouping_variable, df_crosstab_group.index) df_crosstab_group.rename(columns={"spkitemid": "N responses"}, inplace=True) data_composition_by_group_dict[grouping_variable] = df_crosstab_group datasets: List[DatasetDict] = [ DatasetDict({"name": "test_excluded_composition", "frame": df_test_excluded}), DatasetDict({"name": "data_composition", "frame": df_data_composition}), ] for group in data_composition_by_group_dict: datasets.append( DatasetDict( { "name": f"data_composition_by_{group}", "frame": data_composition_by_group_dict[group], } ) ) return configuration, DataContainer(datasets=datasets)